Example sentences of "[noun pl] and [prep] [art] [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 Many kings in the past have kept collections of animals and in the 12th Century A.D. King Henry I founded the first British zoo .
2 Syria , or rather Antiochus , pollutes the Temple of Jerusalem on the eve of a final war which will give him victory over Egypt , but which will soon be followed by the deliverance of the Jews and by the Last Judgement : " And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake , some to everlasting life and some to reproaches and everlasting abhorrence " ( 12.2 ) .
3 He met her eyes and for a second time ; she smiled her shy smile at him , but his swimming head filled it with invitations .
4 Sam Reed had set up two of the goals and in the second half it was his cross that led to Grant 's second goal .
5 This year BMW will make about 580,000 cars and for the first time outstrip Mercedes .
6 All the trouble and strife is behind you today is a golden glow beh today , a golden glow begins to settle over all of your relationships and during the next month many of you may be thinking of making serious commitments .
7 Beta releases of AIX and OS/2 Mach microkernels are due in a few months and in the second half of the year respectively .
8 Beta releases of AIX and OS/2 Mach microkernels are due in a few months and in the second half of the year respectively .
9 The entrance is by a flight of steps and from the first floor .
10 Before describing and assessing the binomial and Black and Scholes option pricing models it is appropriate at this point to examine the factors which are expected to influence option premiums and in the next section to have a brief look at the various investment strategies that may be created with options and securities .
11 What some writers now term the ‘ widening gap ’ between the rich and the poor , both within countries and between the First and the Third Worlds , might tempt us to subscribe pessimistically to the view that the countries of the Third World are passive victims of the exercise of First World hegemon countries ' power .
12 There , among the long grass , as she had expected , were four graves instead of three , four wooden crosses and on the fourth was printed in black gloss paint : Melusina , the Queen of the Cats , murdered in her sixth year .
13 Sears has been busily redirecting its 1,500 strong chain away from traditional sites and in the next 18 months a further 100 to 150 net closures are likely .
14 The couple begin to lead separate lives and for the first time there is public concern over the marriage .
15 There had still been nothing of that kind from John 's kidnappers and for the first time I began to have serious doubts about whether he was alive ; I began to feel less sure of it deep inside , where it mattered .
16 You 've said you want to bring your people out of the Dark Ages and into the nineteenth century .
17 In one condition subjects were specifically instructed to engage in verbal rehearsal of these word pairs and in a second condition they were instructed to use visual imagery to relate the two objects .
18 No proposals were actually adopted but it was agreed to examine them further in working groups and at the fourth ASEAN summit due to be held in Singapore on Jan. 27-28 , 1992 .
19 But back came Spurs and in the eighth minute , they took the all important lead .
20 In Northampton , the Pratts were innholders from the reign of Henry VIII to George I , the Lyons family lasted for four generations and in the mid-seventeenth century had three brothers who were prominent in the trade , and the Peaches eventually acquired quite a chain of inns .
21 What is there to say er what 's not been said already yesterday , today , last year 's meetings and in the last ten years .
22 Demand for his services exceeded his capacity to meet the many requests and in the second year of the scheme he acquired a car to provide greater mobility .
23 For 133 days in 1988 Lyle had led the US Money List , he had won the Phoenix , Greensboro and Masters titles and in the first months of 1989 he twice came second .
24 In earlier times and into the twelfth and thirteenth centuries , many of the basic administrative and judicial activities were carried out through the arrangement of hundreds , hundred courts , and hundredal manors courts being held at hundred meeting places , where three men for every tithing or vill had to attend at three-weekly intervals .
25 The sun as the source of light , heat and life was worshipped from very early times and from the Second Dynasty became a predominant deity .
26 He became one of the first Conceptual artists and among the first to draw his imagery from television , movies , newspapers and advertising .
27 The most obvious targets were the remaining northern provinces of Vizcaya , Santander , Gijón and Oviedo , cut off from the rest of the Republic in three directions by Nationalist troops and on the fourth side by the sea .
28 But titles and businesses ca n't survive as landmarks and in the last advertising revenue increasingly moved into the proliferating newspaper magazine supplements .
29 They travelled for days and on the third entered the Lauderdale valley .
30 Her sexuality was supposed to be greatly intensified during the first three days and on the fourth day she was supposed to be the most fertile for conception .
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