Example sentences of "[noun pl] and [verb] [pn reflx] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They had no aspirations to be patrons of the arts and to regale themselves like proletarian Ludwig IIs with grand opera or private performances of the classics .
2 However , she was prepared to go along with the advisory teacher 's point of view in the sessions and reassured herself concerning her own fears by using whole-class lessons to reinforce what she felt pupils should have discovered .
3 when we do use our staff , we have the advantage that they are not restricted to a fixed location , but are mobile within districts and organise themselves with minimum supervision and are already capable of using high productivity equipment .
4 Her head swam ; she shut her eyes and pressed herself against the wall , fighting to steady herself for the return trip , struggling to contain an urge to vomit .
5 Close your eyes and imagine yourself in a bookshop .
6 We visited the kitchen , were lectured to diet , closed our eyes and expressed ourselves to ethnic music and discussed who we were .
7 She wiped the filth out of her eyes and pulled herself into the wreckage of the cockpit .
8 The day was Thursday , the start of the academic week ; Flavia combed her hair , washed her eyes and marched herself to the tower .
9 In cultures the world over , women ( and in many cultures , men too ) have made their skin silky by bathing in oils , scented themselves with delicious perfumes , draped themselves in satin , velvet , silk and feathers , braided , brushed or oiled their hair , painted their lips and darkened their eyes and weighted themselves with gold and silver , or heavy ornaments .
10 She looked into his dark eyes and submerged herself in the bliss of being flattered .
11 The music blared out around them — Beatles songs from the Sixties — and for a brief space of time Rachel forgot her worries and allowed herself to be caught up in Belinda 's simple pleasures .
12 This is inflammation and infection of the breast which sometimes follows cracked nipples and shows itself by pain , redness of a part or the whole breast , swelling , and fever .
13 In the same debate Mr Mellor restated the government 's intention of encouraging local authorities to make greater use of the private and voluntary sectors and to see themselves as enablers rather than providers .
14 Spain 's Alcatel Sesa SA has taken control of two Polish companies , PZT Telkom , which employs 640 people in Warsaw , and Teletra , which has about 1,300 employees making public telephone exchanges ; Alcatel Sesa said it would guarantee jobs for 1,650 people at the two firms for the next 18 months and committed itself to increasing the capital of the two companies by another $25m within a year ; it plans to start manufacturing the Alcatel 1000 S-12 exchange in Poland , where it says it has already built eight digital exchanges in Poland with a $60m credit that was put up by the Spanish government .
15 A secondary stage follows after a few more months and manifests itself by a rash on the face and body .
16 He watched as a homemaker , winging high , dropped its bundle of thin twigs and pushed itself into a steep dive to join the scramble .
17 We retraced our steps and treated ourselves to a rucksack sledge down the corrie , taking great care not to end up with an ice-axe up the bum .
18 Tallis ran to Swimmer of Lakes and flung herself across its back , twisting into a sitting position and quickly flinging a simple rope harness around its neck .
19 He and Mr Fletcher sat at the table and Willie took one of the mugs and perched himself on the stool in front of the range .
20 Those hardy souls in the present century who ignore the mysteries and regard themselves as random atoms , moving purposelessly in a world of blind chance , must necessarily behave differently from those who , like so many in the nineteenth century , believed that they inhabited an ordered world in which they had moral duties to perform , even if these were obscurely glimpsed and seldom accomplished .
21 More , the fact that this being , Homo sapiens , is from the moment of birth aware of itself in relation to others , and experiences and defines itself in such a relational mode , suggests the universal , pre-cultural basis of a relational concept that appears to occur in one form or another in all human cultural systems : the complementarity of Self and Other ; Us and Them .
22 In girls ' work , for example , we began to learn from our experiences and commit ourselves to ensuring that facilities were genuinely available also to Jewish young women — that we tackled anti-Semitism ; that young women with disabilities were not excluded , and that we looked at our oppressive attitudes to disability and the institutions in which these were enshrined .
23 Alter that first crowded day I retired to one of those green-tiled sanctuaries and lathered myself with a new bar of a famous toilet soap which Helen had put in my bag .
24 Pickets broke through the police lines and flung themselves into the road in an attempt to stop the vehicles .
25 When on the ground , they walk on the sides of their clenched feet and support themselves with their hands .
26 It had a tarnished brass knocker showing a pixie cobbling shoes and declaring itself to be a present from Cornwall .
27 The coolies inside the fetid dens immediately began to stretch their stiffened limbs and drag themselves off their sodden mats , knowing that within minutes the cai would be among them flailing heavy staves to rouse the laggards .
28 Corbett could scarcely understand some of the accents and contented himself with gazing around .
29 Many blind people struggle to pay their bills and provide themselves with the necessities of life .
30 In 1877 his father had heard the American evangelist D. L. Moody in London , and had sold his racehorses and devoted himself to personal evangelism .
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