Example sentences of "[noun pl] and [noun] take the " in BNC.

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1 The third consists of those mechanisms which channel pupils into a sexual division of labour : that boys are persuaded to take science and technology subjects and girls to take the arts .
2 Start with Words and Pictures takes the unique approach of explaining a word by contrasting it with other words .
3 He saw men scurrying over the yard , their faces white in the lantern-light , leaning back into the wind with their knees and legs taking the strain as the storm behind tried to bowl them over .
4 Occasionally , courts and tribunals take the view that a dismissal or resignation given in the heat of the moment can be withdrawn .
5 The Nashville sound will reign supreme once again as great bands and singers take the stage — Dominic Kirwan , Gambler , Desperado , Diamond T , Circuit Judge , Band Named Sioux , Old Spice and many , many more .
6 During this period of arrested imperial expansion and international competition many influential figures and associations took the view that the achievement of such social efficiency required a renewal of cultural leadership at a national level .
7 So , from the all out thrash of ‘ Invitation To Dinner ’ the album veers through the enchanting ‘ I Can See You ’ , where Dr and the Medics meet The Alarm ( I kid you not ) , to the dark , disturbing ‘ Come To Daddy ’ , a frank account of child abuse with nightmarish male vocals and Clair taking the role of the innocent child to chilling effect .
8 So , from the all out thrash of ‘ Invitation To Dinner ’ the album veers through the enchanting ‘ I Can See You ’ , where Dr and the Medics meet The Alarm ( I kid you not ) , to the dark , disturbing ‘ Come To Daddy ’ , a frank account of child abuse with nightmarish male vocals and Clair taking the role of the innocent child to chilling effect .
9 Many of our partners and allies take the position that they do not recognise governments and that therefore no question of recognition arises in such cases .
10 The rationale for these groups is that taxpayers , grantors , investors , and fee-paying service recipients all provide financial resources ; employees and vendors provide labour and material resources ; the legislative bodies and management take the resource allocation decision ; and they are all under the constraints imposed by voters and oversight bodies ( which include higher-level governments ) .
11 Saez works much of the choreography in circles with arms and torsos taking the lead , driving the movement forward .
12 It is , alas , the spoiled and wilful child who makes whips and bloodshed take the place of wisdom and social interest !
13 Whilst these alien prebendaries , rectors and abbeys took the main pickings , the ‘ great tithes ’ on corn and so on , their vicars drawn from the local people usually had to make do with the remainder .
14 Drawings and paintings took the place of his father 's church .
15 They will be secure enough about their own capabilities and limitations to take the lead in talking in ways which the old lags will continue to denigrate for a while as ‘ weak ’ or ‘ idealistic ’ .
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