Example sentences of "[noun pl] and [noun] [v-ing] the " in BNC.

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1 Racing : The Trainers and Jockeys Making The Running on The Flat
2 In late August clashes between local Oromo fighters and forces supporting the Ethiopian People 's Revolutionary Democratic Front ( EPRDF ) had been temporarily resolved through an agreement between the EPRDF and the Oromo Liberation Front ( OLF ) announced on Aug. 27 .
3 It 's set in an Afrikaaner village and is the true story of a widow who is inspired to sculpt hundreds of animals and people following the death of her husband .
4 The head-lamps flashed over bushes and trees lining the sides of the narrow winding lane .
5 Programme members are able to communicate with tutors and administrators using the network of over two hundred and twenty PCs in the College .
6 Caerleon serves as a centre both for walkers and motorists exploring the beautiful countryside of the Usk valley and eastern Gwent .
7 Lacking axes or crampons we 'd kicked steps up the snowy approach gully the afternoon before and checked out the devious ladders and chains forming the descent from the summit .
8 There were 25 parties and coalitions contesting the election .
9 The process identifies and rates strengths and weaknesses leaving the way open for targeting action ( based on the work of Rodger and Richardson 1985 ) .
10 Not surprisingly adults were the most successful subjects , with speakers and listeners achieving the correct route on 92 per cent of occasions .
11 Around 80 demonstrators , angered by the Gatt deal , laid stones across a road and set fire to tyres in an attempt to prevent British cars and coaches leaving the port .
12 The team of expert speakers will use their own experiences and expertise to illustrate the problems , opportunities and solutions facing the international tax professional .
13 The area around London Bridge station has been no exception , most notably with the completion of the first phase of London Bridge City and its spectacular Galleria containing shops and restaurants overlooking the river Thames .
14 Seated beside Miss Jarman on the faded red-leather seat , she could see houses and shops and people passing the window , and a certain pleasure added to her nervous apprehension .
15 The railway enthusiasts have spent six months and £5,000 repairing the Peckett Locomotive in time for the start of the steam weekends .
16 DARLINGTON Railway Preservation Society members have spent six months and £5,000 repairing the Peckett Locomotive in time for the start of the steam weekends .
17 To the north and east , banks of scree rose sheerly to the rocky crags and pinnacles surrounding the permanently snow-capped mountain peak , that in other seasons loomed like a sentinel above the village .
18 From the platform he looks out over a sea of clowns of all shapes and sizes filling the incongruously named Place St Maur des Fosses on the seafront at Bognor Regis .
19 Look at pictures in books and magazines showing the country-side in different weather conditions .
20 The protection conferred by the implied terms as to quality also extend to labels and instructions accompanying the product .
21 He saw men scurrying over the yard , their faces white in the lantern-light , leaning back into the wind with their knees and legs taking the strain as the storm behind tried to bowl them over .
22 The membership of the Conference is now much more representative of the various legal traditions , with a number of Eastern European countries and China representing the socialist tradition , and Australia , Canada , Ireland , the United Kingdom and the United States playing an active role from the common law perspective .
23 My confidence was n't enhanced by the limited number of blue glass bottles and jars comprising the available pharmaceuticals — chloroform , morphia , prussic acid , cannabis , strychnine , atropine .
24 Geckos have similar membranes but increase their gliding surfaces by means of webbed feet and flaps surrounding the entire body .
25 The track from Dent Town up Flinter Gill on to the " Ocky " , as locals call it , is an old green lane , with rough boulders and stones paving the steep way out of the dale used in former days by packhorse trains and coal-carts coming over from Ingleton and Barbondale .
26 She was clad in the Chancellor 's robe of pale blue Ottoman silk decorated with gold lace on the fronts , cape and hem , the sleeves embroidered in gold with scientific and technological emblems and wings incorporating the arms of the University .
27 The librarian had to carefully plan aspects of the project , in which the students would create their own information database on local pubs and clubs using the MICROVIEWDATA software , to cover aspects such as the involvement of other staff , the amount of supervision needed by students , the appropriateness of using the software for this kind of information i.e. was the project information-led or technology-led ?
28 She is the only decent character among the money-grabbers and hangers-on surrounding the Rake .
29 Figure 2.8 : Plans of extensively excavated early Anglo-Saxon settlements and cemeteries showing the close relationship between the two
30 The remaining forms of severe handicaps extend over a wide range of mental and physical disabilities caused by an even wider range of genetic factors , infections and diseases affecting the normal reproductory process .
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