Example sentences of "[noun pl] and [noun] [vb pp] the " in BNC.

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1 The third series of P. G. Wodehouse 's immortal stories begins on ITV on Sunday March 29 , coinciding with the release of an album of incidental songs and music entitled The World of Jeeves and Wooster , performed by the stars themselves .
2 Nor was there any instance , as far as I could see , of the faithful lover dying before his long wait was rewarded ; or thought of how the heroine might have felt in such a case , with brothers and sisters flown the nest , father and mother dead , hero dead , the house empty , and the mind , so long attuned and subjected to the needs of other minds , no longer able to recognize and adapt to its own needs .
3 But his words and attitudes heartened the Danzig Party , who had begun to feel that Berlin no longer cared for the city 's struggle against Poland and Polish trade .
4 The tradition comes from the end of the 19th century when a succession of designers and craftsmen discoverd the Cotswolds for the first time .
5 A regular pattern of narrow lanes gave a special character to the Shambles at the eastern edge of the market place , as indeed it does today , and narrow street frontages and long gardens and alleys preserved the medieval property divisions of the old burgage plots .
6 Assad rarely made foreign visits and commentators regarded the tour as significant .
7 The differences in treatment of the authors was very apparent when we found that some selected a few headings and sub-headings and others sub-divided the subject much more .
8 Pupils , teachers , parents and governors planted the trees yesterday .
9 A new respect for craftsmanship and for traditional skills and handicrafts imbued the art world in the late 19th century , encouraged largely by John Ruskin , the eminent art critic , and by William Morris , the poet , designer and Socialist pioneer whose philosophy inspired the Arts and Crafts movement , and who is best known today , perhaps , for his wallpaper designs .
10 Local scouts and guides lined the route through the cemetery to the memorial , where Scotland 's chief law officer , the Lord Advocate , Lord Fraser , stood alongside the US ambassador , Mr Henry Catto .
11 In the Civil War Birmingham 's swords , pikes and armour equipped the parliamentarians , and the city 's fame spread .
12 Around the corner from the flat was a roaring famous bar and house of fights and dope called the Nashville .
13 This is a quite unique privilege as the list of clubs and organizations granted the right to wear special ensign was closed several years ago .
14 At Corbridge , for instance , shops associated with various furnaces and ovens lined the main north-south and east-west roads from the early third century onwards .
15 In the mid-fifteenth century , floods and silting doomed the old port of Pevensey ; and further along the coast , on Romney Marsh , a series of catastrophic storms culminating in 1287 obliterated the towns of Old Winchelsea and Broomhill .
16 THE tower of the Danish Church at Well Close stood sharp and clear against the clouds , and a line of rooftops and gables marked the long line of Cable Street and Rosemary Lane leading to Little Tower Hill .
17 Guns and ships fascinated the Stewarts .
18 For Adam Smith in 1776 , laying down the philosophical system which was to become the ideological underpinning of the market economy , they were the greatest obstruction placed on the movement of labour for they affected even common labour , while the regulations of guilds and corporations restricted the movement only of artisans .
19 The invention of back stairs and corridors rendered the family rooms increasingly private , since they now needed to be entered only for specific purposes , and no longer functioned as thoroughfares .
20 If he is to meet his responsibilities , the chief executive must impose his will , his preferences , his policy choices on that ‘ maze of personalities and institutions called the government of the United States ’ .
21 Like his predecessor , Carter never really mastered ‘ that maze of personalities and institutions called the government of the United States ’ , and did not accomplish significant public policy change .
22 From this has emerged the suggestion that villages were an aberration in the landscape and that , in many cases , hamlets and farmsteads predated the villages and in some way represent a more normal form of settlement .
23 Such excessive fines and reliefs headed the list of grievances which the barons presented to King John in 1215 , and Magna Carta made concessions in this respect .
24 Magazines and newspapers reduced the size and number of their pages , cinema , theatre , bus , tram and train tickets became small and flimsy .
25 The fourth part of the Madeiran archipelago is a group of three islands and reefs called the Selvagens .
26 In a pagan world which was full of gods and where men and women encountered the divine at every turn , there was no need for the mystical disciplines to help people to cultivate a sense of presence and unity : they already felt at one with the world .
27 President Gorbachev then left , as the boos and hisses reached the Podium , but in fact it is n't absolutely clear that he was only going to stay for part of the demonstration , or if he was only going to stay for part of the demonstration or if he really was only going to be there for about 20 minutes .
28 Both Boys and Spartans portrayed the South Vietnamese as greedy and corrupt , the war being portrayed as a purely domestic affair in which the Americans were unwittingly involved in supporting an unworthy ally against a patient , experienced enemy .
29 Less than a dozen years later , television , radio , newspapers , posters and placards proclaimed the same slogans extolling life in the ‘ age of Ceauşescu ’ .
30 Rows of wellington boots and raincoats lined the inside porch .
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