Example sentences of "[noun pl] of [v-ing] at the " in BNC.

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1 In all our dealings with the head teacher we found that he consistently refused to accept that the methods of teaching at the school were failing our son .
2 And what we 've done now , and with colleagues from Germany , is to take cores off north west Africa , say about twenty metres down into the sediment , we sample them in the lab here and took the small amounts of sediment and examined them for these long chain compounds and we were extremely excited to see that as we went down this core , back through the last few hundred thousand years , we could see our signal on sea surface temperature oscillating about roughly in the same way that er has been found with other methods of getting at the past history of the climate .
3 ‘ Within five minutes of arriving at the office I have enough information to discuss any changes needed . ’
4 On the most recent occasion , supervisor Melvyn Relly had his vehicle stolen within minutes of arriving at the office , and with faint hope of success , Nick Graham , surveyor , drove Melvyn out to where the last car was recovered along streets neighbouring the Nottingham office .
5 For practical reasons , fieldworkers adopted a policy in these cases of knocking at the door of the nearest house of a similar type ; since the survey was based on geographical area and housing type , this seemed a reasonable way of obtaining data from a range of addresses while conserving time and resources .
6 Cast iron superseded lead as the main material used for gutters and downpipes but cast iron systems are now likely to be showing signs of leaking at the joints between lengths of guttering or at the joints in downpipes .
7 Her nudity provided a carte blanche that hours of queuing at the press tent could never have done .
8 Einstein was unable to observe relativity , and was prevented from seeing the effects of travelling at the speed of light by the irritatingly inconvenient circumstance of its impossibility .
9 Within days of arriving at the club , were asked confused passers-by to name four players in the Premier League who were involved in gambling for cash .
10 Writing during the war , Basil recalls his days of working at the Euston Road Studio :
11 had had the opportunity for many years of looking at the question in its material phases , of appreciating its hygienic results …
12 The ‘ great and the good in serried ranks ’ at the Royal College of Physicians heard clinicians from different specialties confront managers with the problems of rationing at the clinical interface .
13 I think we have got to sort out these problems of restructuring at the same time as those of market and state regulation .
14 But there are other ways of looking at the question .
15 A tin of rings and a ten shilling note , a woodshed and an oak tree , an innocence , never to be reclaimed , a shock which changed even the ways of looking at the ferns and foxgloves , droopy-leaved sallow , buckthorn , white-beam and goat willow .
16 The Newson studies do , however , suggest ways of looking at the backgrounds of those children we are setting out to serve .
17 I spent the rest of the evening pretending riveted attention on the discussion while all the time practising ways of looking at the two women without them catching me .
18 There are other ways of looking at the culture of executive search firms .
19 It does not , in any obvious way , require any supernatural warrant , while it is less arbitrary or relativistic than other secular ways of looking at the content of morality .
20 There are two ways of looking at the distinction between line and staff management .
21 To believe the gospel , respond to Jesus or receive the Spirit are three ways of looking at the same thing ( 2 Cor. 11:4 ) .
22 There are two main ways of looking at the question of advertising effectiveness — the first is to consider the results of the advertising in achieving target improvements in specific tasks eg increasing brand awareness in a specific market ; the second is to consider the impact of advertising on sales generally .
23 The hon. Member for Northampton , North ( Mr. Marlow ) has some interesting ways of looking at the problem , but he did not look at the fact that there are proven ways of taking young people who have committed offences and giving them a chance to confront their criminality .
24 Within the natural sciences there was little of that passionate and puzzled confrontation which occurs when there is a clash , not of different hypotheses , but of different ways of looking at the same problem , i.e. when one party proposes not merely a different answer , but one which the other party considers to be impermissible or ‘ unthinkable ’ .
25 If there is no wool available to them , cats with an urge to re-create the pleasures of sucking at the maternal nipple have been known to suck their own fur , sometimes their feet and sometimes the tips of their tails ; or they occasionally develop a fixation on their owner 's hair and make repeated attempts to suck on that , if they are given half a chance .
26 Do n't try to follow both sets of shaping at the same time because it wo n't work and you will find yourself becoming totally confused .
27 Encouraging the results of mapping at the ‘ full-text ’ level where knowledge claims are made ;
28 What would be the chances of arriving at the principle of a constant coefficient of expansion in metals ( the notion that for a given metal there is a fixed relationship between amount of change of temperature and amount of change of length ) if the only data to hand concerning temperature and length were estimates based on unaided touch and sight ?
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