Example sentences of "[noun pl] of [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Rather , there has been feeling of surprise at just how much energy the ideologists of the Soviet regime expended in the fight against what was then known as ‘ anti-Soviet ’ art .
2 When asked about the Holocaust , Le Pen , in common with other antisemitic ideologists of the extreme right , questioned whether the mass murder of Jews during the Second World War actually took place .
3 Moreover , it was by no means a majority view , even amongst the ideologists of the double standard .
4 When the character of Harlequin , the Comic Lover , had become familiar in England he was quickly promoted to lead the pantomimes ; nowhere in ballet does he rise to more commanding heights than as Captain Belaye in Cranko , s Pineapple Poll , where he takes on the superior airs and manners of the British Navy and becomes the apple of every girl 's eye .
5 The heterostracans were associated with the hagfishes , chiefly because they lacked the specializations of the nasohypophysial opening and because they have a single branchial opening ( see below ) .
6 There are several clumps of the non-climbing spring sweet pea Lathyrus vernus ‘ that hardly anybody grows ’ : it has small purple and blue flowers and helps to fill out the border .
7 On arrival at Guildhall , I found beautiful floral decorations everywhere , and the route to the Print Room lined by Pikemen and Musketeers of the Honourable Artillery Company .
8 The national data computed for Japan ( 1979–1980 ) and that combined for the German Democratic Republic ( GDR ) and Hungary ( 1976–80 ) show minimum risks of a still birth at the second birth order for women aged 25–44 years .
9 He believes that the report will be recognised internationally as a major step forward in assessing the risks of a large scale disaster arising from the transport of dangerous substances near centres of population .
10 Thus the risks of a particular strategy can be evaluated in a relatively safe manner before being put to the test in a real life context .
11 Dry but dull today outbreaks of light rain this evening , Wednesday will be another dull day , risks of an odd shower .
12 The managed multi-currency loan was devised to minimise the risks of the single currency type by switching your loan between currencies .
13 General Kopyion had ordered that the criminals should not be stopped in deep space due to the risks of the nuclear device being detonated .
14 ‘ Hitler 's power to bewitch an audience has been likened to the occult arts of the African medicine-man or the Asiatic Shaman .
15 We have no other prizes in the visual arts of the same standing , no way of awarding those over 50 .
16 The experience of watching my late husband 's 16-year fight against the degenerative effects of Parkinson 's disease ( one of those conditions which might one day benefit from embryo research ) causes me to write this letter in the hope that all who take part in the debates will recognise and confound these tactics of the anti-abortion pressure groups , quite rightly described by the British Pregnancy Advisory Service as ‘ an attempt to hijack government legislation ’ .
17 The failure of Iraqi units to respond to the increasingly aggressive tactics of the allied ground forces gave further credence to reports of low morale and inadequate supply .
18 The Marxists never quite reconciled themselves either to the policies , the leadership or the tactics of the Labour Party .
19 Southwood was not much interested in the tactics of the Labour movement .
20 Now the increasingly hard-nosed tactics of the popular press have driven society gossip underground , and gossip columns are mostly filled with the doings of the lower echelons of café society on the make .
21 What the searchers ‘ found ’ were the papal letters mentioned by Lanfranc in 1072 , fortified with forged additions granting the primacy in perpetuity to the successors of the first archbishop of Canterbury .
22 because this is the way one of the great successors of the previous government , leading up to nineteen eighty seven , Margaret Thatcher was getting a very bad press at a time .
23 This means that your solution may differ , quite legitimately , from your neighbour 's ( in fact it is one of the characteristics of a good case study that it can give rise to equally valid alternative solutions ) .
24 Characteristics of a good exhibitor were deemed to be :
25 Characteristics of a good exhibition were deemed to be :
26 Above a temperature of 450 K , in the section E to F , there is little evidence of any elastic recovery in the polymer and all the characteristics of a viscous liquid become evident ( figure 12.1(d) ) .
27 To construct a mathematical model , the designer must translate the essential characteristics of a real world phenomenon , such as air flow around the wings of a fighter aircraft , into a set of mathematical equations .
28 Inevitably the League began to acquire the characteristics of a political party rejecting the " self-denying ordinance " which prevented the Fabians from submitting political resolutions to the Party .
29 Much of this writing , however , remained essentially the same as in earlier generations — inevitably so , since most of the characteristics of a successful diplomat have not changed over centuries .
30 The principal operating characteristics of a virtual machine are :
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