Example sentences of "[noun pl] work [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ In cases of multiple debt , we reckon on 12 hours to work through the inquiry , ’ she added .
2 It was to go into effect at noon on Friday , giving the commanders a chance to disengage their forces and the political leaders 48 hours to work on a settlement .
3 He then goes on to criticise Labour for suggesting that priority spending on education and training can help overcome the difficulties of the balance of payments deficit — because such investment programmes take generations to work through the system .
4 Nuadu had said that the Robemaker and CuRoi took sacrifices from the ordinary people of Ireland ; strong young sons to work at the Looms , although presumably they would not actually do this work themselves .
5 It is unrealistic in these times to work on the assumption that profit sharing ratios , once fixed , are sacrosanct only ever to be changed when the number of partners changes .
6 The priest , highly regarded in educational circles , was transferred from his school position by church authorities to work as a curate in a country parish over the summer .
7 The reason behind SIP is , according to POSC president , Dan Turner , that ‘ for every dollar that companies spend on software , they spend $1.50 to $2.00 more to get their programmes to work with the rest of their systems .
8 It included funding to employ 414,000 teenagers to work in the summer of 1992 in jobs administered through the Department of Labour .
9 I am pleased to be able to tell my hon. Friend that the new structures and management priorities of the health service led the health authority to appoint a new ophthalmology consultant last week to provide extra sessions to work through the waiting list .
10 That gives America opportunities to work with the Soviets that it did not have in the past .
11 In a nation with more than 3 million unemployed , many skilled youngsters would give their proverbial eyes and ears to work at the Rutherford-Appleton .
12 you see We was working together and you know a a few benches from each other and of course as I told you the the lads worked with a man .
13 The problem of working out how adaptations arose through evolution was too complex to be combined with detailed study of how those adaptations worked in the present .
14 Gravediggers worked around the clock .
15 He never in fact produced the list ( which in a speech the next day had been mysteriously reduced to 57 ) but his smear tactics worked in an atmosphere of fear .
16 hopefully to a large degree there will be money coming inwards to the Local Authority , the Local Highway Authority in the future , the compliments of the inspection of public utilities works on the acceptance thereof , er so there will be sort of additional income to help erm finance any additional starting resources and required to , erm
17 He was n't prepared to do anything else there no ar and he was he was to have these plant hire , you know these two , when when his old man used to work us us in the quarry , well this was working up there as well , he had lads working on the plant hire for him .
18 But with former Unlimited Gold winner Rick Brickert at the controls and Steve Hinton leading some mighty good wrenches working under the cowling , it 's a future-winning team .
19 Unfortunately , one of these Milnes cars working on the Sutton route , was the victim of the South Metropolitan 's only really serious accident .
20 Bass have spent months working on the deal and we 're told they will not even bother to attend tomorrow 's meeting of Premier clubs .
21 THE DIRECTORS ' COLLECTION ( Tartan £15.99 each ) A formidable collection of directors ' first titles will be released over the next 12 months — the first set of five covers work by the likes of Scorsese , Coppola and Robert Altman .
22 Curriculum Development and Assessment : Covers work in a number of curriculum areas , notably Science , European Studies , Citizenship , English , the Primary Curriculum .
23 The methods that European governments increasingly use to keep out unwanted foreigners work to the disadvantage of genuine refugees .
24 The purpose-built craft complex houses fourteen workshops where craftsmen work on a variety of fine crafts .
25 Most Welsh households included husbands working outside the home during the day .
26 Making arrangements with individual area secretaries works against the objective of achieving any kind of balance within or between Regions .
27 As feminists , we need to have a way of looking at this work which makes us think about whose shattered lives and suffering produced the money used to pay her for her paintings — namely the poor rural workers of Britain and Ireland and the enslaved African peoples working in the West Indies and the American colonies .
28 District and constituency offices were similarly involved and in many areas the national example was followed , with the agents of both parties working under a mayor or lord lieutenant .
29 At present valuations , the figure being asked is around three times the price valuers working for the county council expect for common land with ancient rights over it …
30 It sought to defend and protect proprietorial freedom yet it ‘ seemed to be defining press freedom as a wider , collective freedom of all journalists working in the press ’ .
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