Example sentences of "[noun pl] find [pn reflx] with [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Once the original cease-fire had been put into effect in 1988 , both parties found themselves with immense tasks of reconstruction to contend with and little , apart from their battered oil-export systems , with which to finance them .
2 Despite great efforts to ‘ bottle up ’ sources of funds within regional boundaries , some banks find themselves with excess liquidity which they are not allowed to use for expanding credits to local enterprises , and this has led to some inter-regional flows of bank funds ( and to the uncontrolled expansion of bank lending to firms such as Agrokomerc ) .
3 Oil producers found themselves with large dollar surpluses which they did not wish to deposit in the USA , partly as we have seen because of the prevailing regulations but also for political reasons .
4 As well as causing a breakdown in the economic system , the inflation led to a spread of corruption ; it meant humiliation for many thousands of families , whilst a few successful speculators found themselves with untold wealth .
5 In this spirit , Section 11 of the 1966 Local Government Act offered financial assistance for those authorities finding themselves with substantial proportions of Commonwealth migrant communities ‘ whose language and customs differ from those of the community ’ .
6 No wonder brewers find themselves with unprofitable outlets in such areas , whatever pub concept they apply to them .
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