Example sentences of "[noun pl] give [noun] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Figure 4.3 includes the test results for a pair of groups given pre-exposure to saccharin before being conditioned and tested with milk .
2 Less profound latent inhibition than that shown by subjects given pre-exposure to A alone would constitute evidence for overshadowing of latent inhibition .
3 Nevertheless , some 33,000 faithful pack into Fenway , probably the loveliest old ballpark left in the country as the traditional grass arenas give way to Astroturf colosseums .
4 Our house stood at the east end of the rue Victorie , where the shops give way to workshops .
5 We no longer believe that language and reality ‘ match up ’ so congruently — indeed , we probably think that words give birth to things as much as things give birth to words .
6 In particular they need to be reminded of that combination of unashamed materialism and gnarled , disbelieving scepticism about the power of political parties to give effect to Utopia which is characteristic of a certain type of Conservatism .
7 Twenty phone lines have been set up in Aberconwy council 's offices to give advice to victims .
8 However , it is obviously as much a waste of funds to give money to privatisation of the coal industry as it was to give money for the poll tax .
9 Electronic valves gave way to transistors , and these have been replaced by the silicon chip , literally a thin slice of silicon , on which miniature electrical circuits can be created .
10 The hold tightened as Saxon thegns and clergy gave way to Normans .
11 It was inconvenient ; the prospects for private accumulation in the future was slimmer ; the expectation that public enterprise would be less responsive to needs than free traders gave rise to fears of a general decline in wealth and amenity ,
12 Than the shops gave place to boarding houses and the hill began ; it was a twin of the one he had come down from the car park .
13 East of Wallaroo the country flattened out , wheatfields gave way to spinifex grass and mallee ( eucalyptus ) scrub until finally the highest point on the horizon was art anthill .
14 The obvious question to ask would be : why do mice give birth to mice and elephants to elephants ?
15 In other words , NVQs give recognition to people for putting what they have learnt into practice at work .
16 Finance companies give commission to car dealers , and usually a dealer will have a continuing relationship with one credit firm .
17 The Finnish government is to appeal to other Western countries to give aid to East European countries in the form of technical , industrial and scientific expertise rather than direct financial help .
18 As a result , the players were sent ahead to the various tournament sites to give clinics to members and generally to whip up interest .
19 Sorry , I think it 's worth noting some of the circumstances giving rise to Mrs Brown er committing the offences which bring her before the court today .
20 The promoters are also marketing imaginative packages which sometimes include books of vouchers giving entrance to places of historical or geographical interest , discounted theatre tickets , unlimited travel on the bus or underground , tee shirts and other promotional give-aways as well as hotel accommodation and meals .
21 Mr de Klerk 's main criterion , as far as one can tell , in deciding who is released first is to attempt to minimise the chances of mass political gatherings giving way to violence and , the great nightmare , loss of government control .
22 Their spring offensive in Negros Occidental province — " Operation Thunderbolt " — cleared the NPA from an area which they had long regarded as their own , but with heavy civilian casualties giving rise to criticism of their action from the Catholic Church and human rights groups .
23 These gateways gave entrance to avenues with covered arcades on each side which led to the centre of the enclosure .
24 Paddle steamers gave way to screw steamers .
25 Not just the elements gave rise to life
26 Other lines gave rise to forms in which the shells were loosely coiled or almost straight .
27 The difference of treatment for the two bids gave rise to criticism that the government 's merger policy favoured conglomerates .
28 Basic steels give way to high-strength and corrosion-resistant steels , then to new materials composed of steel mixed with silicon and custom-made polymers .
29 Plans give rise to actions ( performance ) , and actions have to be monitored to ensure that they reflect the aims and intentions of the plans .
30 In broad and generalised terms , visual defects give rise to loss of clear vision , loss of central vision , or loss of peripheral vision , the visual field may be reduced or interrupted .
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