Example sentences of "[noun pl] who were [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 They would be outskirters who were getting a thin time and wondering what to do about it .
2 The tape recorder was used to send reports to churches and schools who were using the expedition to raise money for famine relief .
3 Raiding was now growing apace with Lord Mountbatten 's wish for ‘ a raid every fortnight ’ in addition to the smaller raids of the SBS and other units who were joining the ranks of the commandos .
4 Last month The Northern Echo uncovered a shady underworld of drug addicts who were using the streets of Darlington as a haven for their habit .
5 He revealed this to a group of Irish journalists who were visiting the Zionist Terror State .
6 Subjects who were asked the questions when under hypnosis made significantly more errors in their subsequent descriptions of events .
7 Dooling and Lachman argue that the better performance of the subjects who were told the title of the passage reflects their greater ability to organise the words in the passage in memory .
8 Andrea Palladio ( 1518–1580 ) the Italian architect , was revered and studied by English architects , who built adaptations of Italian palaces in England , but by the end of the century it was the Adam brothers who were having the greatest influence .
9 On the same day government soldiers opened fire on two UNITA supporters who were disrupting an MPLA-PT rally in Huambo .
10 Sir Richard , in hose and open cambric shirt , wiped dust from his hands , apologising that he had been out with the craftsmen who were putting the finishing touches to their pageant for the young king 's coronation .
11 And I understand that there was a reception which erm in as far as I 'm aware was actually erm organised and financed by the contractors who were building the motorway .
12 By the late 1980s no African government could afford to neglect the significance of the sector for the employment of the hundreds of thousands of primary and secondary school leavers who were joining the labour market each year , and most were making policy statements which indicated some support for it .
13 He spent a great deal of time in the yard below with the carpenters and masons who were making the pageant cart for the coronation procession .
14 Had the tax been implemented at the time it would have noticeably increased the number of tax exiles who were leaving the country , for never mind pop-stars and sportsmen , it would have been even worth the while of middle management to seek a place in the ex-colonial countries , or to learn a new tongue for residence in a foreign land , simply in order to achieve some savings and improve his family life and provide for dependants .
15 I decided to delay informing him of my visit to the Orne and speaking to the Artillerymen who were sending the shells over our heads .
16 The raiders ' principal memory , however , is the smell of Eau de Cologne drunk by the miners who were allowed no spirits on the island .
17 It gushed plasma at a small knot of Marines who were storming a trench crowded with troopers .
18 He was , however , appointed as one of the leaders of the stewards who were to control the DCAC 's first demonstration , which was to be held on 19 October :
19 In 1987 he and his supporters finally decided to have a ‘ show-down ’ with other leading Serbian communists who were urging a more liberal policy .
20 There is a danger of assuming too much agreement within the US personnel who were supervising the occupation .
21 IF DODGE City and Tombstone had to wait for movie star-type heroes to save them from the outlaws who were over-running the communities , would they stand by the lawmen if it looked like the bad guys were n't going to stay beat ?
22 Postwar , the WTA declined in relative importance , opting to focus on tried and tested coach tours and specialist holidays , and losing its market share to the newer and more competitive tour operators who were promoting the package trade .
23 The Allies had found their way to Rome blocked there by Germans who were using the ancient Benedictine monastery as their base and flung a series of attacks against it .
24 Maxwell-Smith was among 25,000 prisoners who were granted an amnesty on the birthday of Queen Sirikit of Thailand .
25 The yellow chair , besides being brushstrokes and pigment , besides being a yellow chair , was one of twelve bought for a company of artists who were to inhabit the Yellow House , the white walls of which should blaze with sunflowers as the windows of Gothic cathedrals blazed with coloured light .
26 Like many other very wealthy Jews during the early modern period , Carvajal became an army purveyor , and in 1649 was one of the City merchants who were given the corn contract for the parliamentary forces .
27 The water bill also includes funding for several large-scale dam and water projects throughout the west , which forced the President to choose between the interests of his California supporters and those in other states who were urging the passage of the bill .
28 According to two post-graduate researchers who were studying the dolphin in Brazil , Vera da Silva and the late Robin Best , the boto is caught in seine-nets , gill-nets and drift-nets .
29 Air operations in Hawaii were put under the direction of Lt Col Art Wildern ( USAF , ret ) who hired and trained the second crew of pilots who were to do the flying in Hawaii .
30 The significance of these beliefs in creating a commonsense culture of taken-for-granted racism in Britain is difficult to underestimate , although widespread illiteracy may well have protected the subordinate classes from the level of immersion in racism experienced by the upper classes who were fed a growing diet of racist mythology in fiction , newspapers and missionary tracts ( Lorimer , 1978 ; Miles , 1982 , pp. 118–19 ) .
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