Example sentences of "[noun pl] who had [verb] him " in BNC.

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1 Compare this rendering of Herakles carrying off the Kerkopes ( mischievous goblins who had annoyed him ) with the same scene on a metope from a building at Foce del Sele on the west coast of Italy not far from Paestum , a sanctuary of Hera .
2 Those who preached the crusade dwelt on the significance of Jerusalem and on the death of Jesus , and so roused men to fervour against the Jews who had killed him as well as against the Muslims who had captured his tomb ; and apocalyptic notions of the time associated the conversion or elimination of the Jews with the liberation of Jerusalem , as a necessary prelude to the end of the world .
3 Not that it had done Oliver Rattrie any good , since he 'd been caught the day after by those same Chartist women who had marched into Halifax singing the One Hundredth Psalm ; sheep no longer but howling Furies who had seized him , puny little thing that he was , and thrown him in the canal where , in his struggle to keep himself from drowning , he had lost every last shilling of the blood-money in his pockets .
4 Makarenko also dealt summarily with the Poltava educational authorities who had appointed him in the first place .
5 A doctor , Alvarez was alleged to have participated in the 1985 torture and murder of DEA agent Enrique Camarena-Salazar by helping to prolong the agent 's life so that the drug-traffickers who had captured him could continue to interrogate him .
6 The President began the meeting as usual , with a review of the scientific advances of the previous year , naming experts who had helped him in making his list .
7 September 19 , 1974 Freshly advised , Mr Ali issued a writ against the solicitors who had represented him until November 1969 alleging negligence .
8 The audience waved , swayed and sang along enthusiastically , as they had for the procession of artists who had preceded him .
9 They were never united in their opposition to the king , and they never found a leader comparable to Hereford and Norfolk in 1297 or Thomas of Lancaster in 1310–11 ; but their opposition reveals the fragility of the political settlement Edward had achieved after 1330 , and the danger that his close associates who had helped him to power might now be seen as a new court clique , the king 's familiares .
10 Exiled for the second time and without the support of many of the Castilian knights who had followed him before , Rodrigo once again displayed his qualities of a great commander .
11 Finally , Edward rewarded the group of household knights who had helped him to overthrow Mortimer and Isabella .
12 But even while the Shah shrugged of such schemes , saying that this was not 1953 he also seemed to feel that the allies who had saved him then had somehow betrayed him now .
13 And the missing army of workers who had brought him to life .
14 The element of continuity with previous Unity campaigns was thus preserved and the Cripps Memorandum received support from basically the same groups and individuals who had supported him on previous occasions .
15 His friend Dr Burney , not a Cambridge man , expressed similar concern at Smart 's lack of discretion : ‘ While he was the pride of Cambridge and the chief poetical ornament of that University , he ruined himself by returning the tavern treats of strangers who had invited him as a wit and an extraordinary personage , in order to boast of his acquaintance ’ .
16 Captain Frederick Roy-Smith was serving in Germany in the Royal Army Veterinary Corps and had seen Rottweilers who had impressed him greatly , especially with their working ability .
17 Picking his way between the groups of emigrants , he went in search of the family of Bambara cattle farmers who had befriended him .
18 I went to Dubai and called on several prominent figures who had known him as a local businessman .
19 In this , Ahmed Ashraf named two of the security police officers who had tortured him .
20 Cardiff was still one of the bastards who had put him away , not someone who had been duped by a fellow officer with false evidence , certainly not someone he had come to respect .
21 He powered through the water , leaving the boat and the other swimmers who had escorted him far behind .
22 Before Saragossa the two Frankish hosts joined together , and the king received homage from those Saracen chiefs who had invited him into Spain as their protector .
23 Sigmar divided his land between the allied chiefs who had helped him during his many wars .
24 Even the two youths who had attacked him had by now disappeared from view .
25 Against critics who had accused him of choosing to write of the sea and lonely islands in order to have greater freedom for his imagination , he protested that his own youth had worn ‘ the sober hue of hard work and exacting calls of duty , things which in themselves are not much charged with a feeling of romance ’ and that if he had any ‘ romantic feeling of reality ’ it was disciplined by ‘ a recognition of the hard facts of existence shared with the rest of mankind ’ , a recognition which , he believed , tried to make the best of the hard truth and to discover in it ‘ a certain aspect of beauty ’ .
26 When Jack was given the accolade of Best Actor by the New York Critics ' Award for his performance , he responded by sending them all a polite thank-you letter ; those critics who had mentioned him in the past had not been especially kind .
27 At school , the few masters who had noticed him at all had tried vaguely to direct him towards science .
28 I have never forgotten that near the end of his life my Father told me that in his loneliness Basil was the one of his five children who had given him most sympathy and understanding .
29 Nevertheless , two hundred years after Charles 's death , the inhabitants of the lands he had once ruled were identified as Kerlinger , Carlenses : " Charles 's men " ; and in the thirteenth century , when King Louis IX arranged at St-Denis the tombs of the kings who had preceded him , he left two in positions of special honour , the Merovingian Dagobert , greatest of the First Frankish dynasty , and Charles the Bald .
30 He turned to the two men who had followed him up the gangway .
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