Example sentences of "[noun pl] who [vb base] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Israel is thrilled at the pace of absorption , and accuses the Arab world of manufacturing false conflict and fear ; a conflict that is whipping up greater hostility among two peoples who claim the same land .
2 Already in 1957 Roland Barthes was claiming that ‘ today it is the colonized peoples who assume the full ethical and political condition described by Marx as being that of the proletariat ’ .
3 That fate is connected with the primal parricide , and involves at least those nations influenced by Christianity and Islam , that is , those peoples who share the Old Testament sacred writings with the Jews and claim the same God , the same Father in heaven .
4 We have an extremely flexible timetable in S6 and we are always pleased to welcome pupils from other schools who join the 130 or more Heriot pupils who stay on to Sixth Year .
5 Those readers who remember the 1951 Festival of Britain in London will no doubt recall the shot tower which attracted much attention at the time .
6 ( I had better say now that readers who identify the I of the Sonnets with Shakespeare 's own personality not only encourage that futility of speculation about the identity of a real-life ‘ Friend ’ and ‘ Dark Lady ’ which has pestered discussions of these poems for so long , and is now in the last stages of senility ; but in so doing they also destroy one of the essential principles of literary criticism in modern times , the independence of the I in lyric poetry , its existence as a persona or mask behind which the poet is free to impersonate any human situation without being identified with each or all of the mutations — often contradictory — taken on by his persona . )
7 As is his wont , the novelist delivers an appropriate come-uppance to not-so-eminent Edwardians who adopt the pompous manners of the Empire and refuse to acknowledge that the rest of the world is due to move on .
8 For traders who want a low-risk futures position , an intracommodity spread may be attractive .
9 As a child I was taken to the dread Hector McDarroch in Glasgow and he did my dental work right up to my teens Friends of my youth tell me that he inspired a similar lasting fear in them , too , and in fact there must be a whole generation of Glaswegians who feel the same .
10 For example , although most retail grocery advertising in the UK used to consist of lists of prices , and consumers tended to expect it to do so , it is unrealistic to expect advertising to do the major job of communicating large numbers of prices , especially promotional prices , when this can be done far better by window bills and in-store display : there are few shoppers who analyse every available grocery ad before deciding where to shop .
11 Shoppers who get a raw deal can write to an ombudsman
12 British shoppers who want the best prices may be better of shopping cross-channel .
13 Resident in the area , I provide a personal service to discerning clients who seek the best apartments , villas and country properties in and around Cannes .
14 Top London hairdresser Charles Worthington ( tel : 071–831 5303 ) is suggesting setting to more and more clients who want a different look for special occasions .
15 Williams and Moorey ( 1989 ) have provided a convincing rebuttal of this notion with their description of its use with clients who have a mental handicap .
16 Work with clients who have a known record of violence or aggressive behaviour
17 He to me was an example of one of the few untrained journalists who make a real success of TV news .
18 Some journalists who favour a cooler and more distant approach to reporting would say that he is too close to his subject ; anyone who levels this criticism normally does so from the security of a desk .
19 So , while it is always worth seeking out the names of journalists who have a special interest in your subject , and if appropriate sending the releases to them at home as well as to their office , always be sure to send your releases to the newsdesk and perhaps to one or two others on the paper too if it is appropriate .
20 I can only volunteer that this is done by designers who have an imperfect understanding of the nature and properties of wood , or who are literally prepared to risk it .
21 Radio acting makes specific technical demands on an actor , and classes are usually held by professional tutors who have a wide experience of radio drama and its production .
22 Study the competition , the commercials and the advertisements of other manufacturers who make the same thing .
23 Linn is one of several manufacturers who provide a similar facility , and as usual the effect is the elimination of the digital near-equivalent of tape wow & flutter known as ‘ jitter ’ .
24 Geraldine Percy ended the male domination at the Mechanic 's Institute club , in Skinnergate , by applying for membership alongside the distinguished gentlemen who maintain the 150-year-old traditions .
25 So rustic a dish can hardly , he realizes , be offered to the fine ladies and gentlemen who frequent the elegant restaurant over which he presides .
26 Having shown Cade 's pointless destructiveness Shakespeare reins him in by confronting him with more speakers who exemplify the old definition of the orator as a vir bonus peritus dicendi .
27 Theoretical concepts like Saussure 's langue help to reassure linguists that they are not dealing directly with speakers who inhabit the real world of social and power relations , but only with a pure , decontextualised system .
28 It is important to point out here that considerable attention has been paid both to errors made by normal speakers and errors made by speakers who have a particular acquired disorder of spoken language .
29 It is encapsulated in the mind of the speakers who send a complex pattern of signals which enable the receptor to build up his perception of the message in his own mind .
30 Some insurance companies , for example , have offered competitive premiums to older drivers who have a clean driving record .
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