Example sentences of "[noun pl] come and [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In short , not only does the user have a better time , the support desk gets far fewer calls to come and deal with apparent equipment failures .
2 It is like the tiny mustard seed which grows into a sizeable bush that provides sufficient shade for the birds to come and shelter in its branches ( Matt.
3 If we can persuade birds to come and perch on it in a row fairly close together we have obviously made it much easier to see the wire .
4 If we can now persuade more birds to come and perch on top of the first lot we can in principle build up the wire to any thickness we choose .
5 It is not surprising that a high proportion of A level candidates came and come from such schools .
6 Wycliffe said that he did , which was something of a record , for Franks 's secretaries came and went with bewildering frequency , though all were to a common stamp .
7 Not only did they have to pay yasak , but Russians came and settled on their best lands .
8 The secret for any cat-phobic individuals who want to keep their distance is to lean towards a cat , stare fixedly at it with wide-open eyes and make agitated hand movements , asking the cat in strident tones to come and sit on their laps .
9 Tobias came and sat on them .
10 There 's no camels come and play in my garden .
11 The Safety Management System is a simple to follow 200 page manual , which hopefully will benefit Dounreay for many years to come and contribute to the reduction of accidents on site . ’
12 Dealers came and went from his team almost weekly .
13 Around three trains per week were accepted by this shop , all carrying horse-drawn vehicles , coming from Goods Depots all over the country : Camden , Broad Street , Curzon Street etc , whereas it was the rule that road motors came and went under their own power delivered and accepted by the drivers from the depots concerned .
14 Boats come and go at the waterfront
15 In large transient hotels it is not practical to confirm in writing every reservation , as guests come and go at short notice .
16 Silly feeling , but you know how these weird ideas come and go in your head sometimes .
17 From the Hotel Cavalletto you look out on the most typical of Venetian scenes , as here the public rooms are bordered by a narrow waterfront where gondoliers come and go with their passengers .
18 The lorries came and went on a service road near the town ; on some days the bulldozer clanked back and forth , crushing the rubbish into the soft , orange earth .
19 Managers came and went at an alarming rate ; there was Board Room take-over ; gates began to dwindle and the Palace were candidates for relegation from well before Christmas .
20 Tenants came and went with great rapidity .
21 Pounds come and go at Paisley
22 Businesses come and go with alarming frequency .
23 Trade marks are especially important in a fast-moving industry and it is very comforting to buy goods with familiar names when so many products and businesses come and go in rapid succession , as happened with microcomputers in the early 1980s .
24 Many of the faces are vaguely familiar from faded newspaper photographs of dark suits coming and going in Downing Street .
25 Three presidents came and went in those turbulent times .
26 The swallows came and went like carpenters ,
27 Businessmen , politicians and academics came and went from it .
28 Stop the fucking cats coming and shitting in the garden
29 Names come and go in fashionable cycles .
30 The Company did not send expeditions of its own into this area for over a century ; like the East India and the Royal Africa Companies it established trading posts and waited for the local inhabitants to come and trade at them .
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