Example sentences of "[noun pl] into a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The time taken by each set of words has to be very exactly calculated , and a large part of the skill of a voice-over expert lies in the ability to fit a set of words into a precise length of time while still getting the required clarity and intonation .
2 More pertinent perhaps , since it casts light upon the vexed question of syntax ( the rule-governed combination of several words into a meaningful whole ) was Terrace 's conclusion that Nim and similar Ameslan apes , despite appearances , were unable to improve upon the meaning of two-sign utterances since longer sets were merely repetitious or random .
3 The trick is to concoct words into a special language , a mystery , an abracadabra which they and only then can decode when and if they choose to do so .
4 He got up from his chair and put his spectacles into a red leather case which he then returned to his pocket .
5 She then kneads it with her mandibles and front legs into a soft pellet about half the size of her head and flies off with it to her building site .
6 Wealth , culture , and international adventure had turned a tiny collection of huts into a huge sandstone metropolis .
7 Combining the two lists into a single sequence was considered , but there were practical difficulties with the word processor files then in use , and keeping the data in two files enabled comparative searching by broad time period .
8 For the next decade or so most local authorities stumbled , enthused , muddled and reorganised their secondary schools into a comprehensive form .
9 But he does n't acknowledge , and what , this is what I find concerning , the fact that we have in some areas of the county , amalgamated schools into a new school , West Grinstead and Alderbury for example , and taken surplus places out .
10 The 1988 Education Act has forced schools into a competitive mode of operation .
11 ‘ The chance of a lifetime ’ did n't arrive at the most convenient moment for Helen Dobson ( seven months into a new job ) but when it came she grabbed it , in spite of the fact that it has left her biting her nails about future career prospects .
12 The alternative might be to arrange with your bank manager to transfer these funds into a separate account in your sister 's name , er … before … while you are still , er … in a position to do so .
13 An FMLN communiqué issued by the FMLN leadership on Nov. 26 claimed that the Nov. 19-20 offensive had been the first action of its newly proclaimed professional " National Army for Democracy " , a merger of its five previous organizations into a conventional rank structure .
14 Its foundation as the capital of Scotland in the late eleventh century , and its development in the following centuries into a distinctive city crowded on a hill within a defensive wall can be traced through its buildings .
15 Fifteen of the monkeys had tied their tails into a giant knot and had to be anaesthetised while a vet took 20 minutes to undo it .
16 Whether it 's converting pictures into a compatible format for publication , or just expanding your artistic horizons , then this little program is worth a look .
17 She ran some bathwater while she sorted her presents into a neat pile .
18 * Check the contents page and try to link up the entries into a developing narrative or argument .
19 ‘ Since 1968 we 've been doing our best to piece the fragments into a satisfying whole .
20 Some have argued that this policy of ambiguity and delay reflected wishful thinking on his part , a misguided belief that he could somehow parlay his personal standing with all parties into a new consensus that would hold the communities together long enough for a French-financed modernization programme to work its magic .
21 He proposed the fusion of the two coalition parties into a new party , which would be launched on an inspiring programme of strong government and social betterment .
22 It is far harder to argue that it is fair to create an electoral system that will put the centre parties into a governmental position where they will be likely to hold an almost permanent balance of power between Labour and Conservative .
23 Leninism 's cult of a quasi-military party also placed a premium on discipline and extended Moscow 's control over national parties into a rigid straitjacket on doctrine right through into the 1950s .
24 By 1973 Mr Suharto had forced the Islamic parties into a single body — the United Development Party , whose leaders were carefully screened .
25 At a meeting on July 23 , politicians who had been major figures in the pre-1980 period agreed to bring their respective political parties into a united front against President Mugabe 's Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front ( ZANU-PF ) .
26 It is obvious ( or should be ) that an influx of hungry , semi-strangled and homeless urban foxes into a rural area will make a thorough mess of the local ecosystem .
27 Things have now finally reached the point which our Führer at the outbreak of this struggle prophesied to world Jewry in his great speech : ‘ … should Jewry once more succeed in again plunging the nations into a new world war , it would be the end of that race , and not ours . ’
28 Here we collect the different methods into a systematic list , referring back to the other chapters for examples .
29 The purpose is to feed such methods into a future programme for training Christian Social Activists .
30 Defence policy in Macmillan 's second term of office was dominated by four streams of events : an acceleration in the rate of change in weapon technology ; the ‘ Winds of Change ’ in Africa ; Britain 's first attempt to join the EEC ; and the Mountbatten reorganization of the three Service ministries into a unified Ministry of Defence .
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