Example sentences of "[noun pl] would [vb infin] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 What words would describe the inside of the waves ?
2 Until God 's final day when he will bring in the kingdom , two characteristics would mark the age of the Church : the Holy Spirit , and witness to Jesus .
3 Because a decline in the value of the pound against that of other currencies would aggravate the condition , the Government is constrained to try to maintain that value ; and to do so by the inducement of very high rates of interest .
4 Liberal Democrat Peter Bergg said the Lib Dems would ease the tax burden for small businesses .
5 As well as the financial cost to the nation , the likely adverse effect on waiting lists would make the withdrawal of this tax relief , if implemented , really shortsighted and a classic example of ‘ penny wise , pound foolish ’ .
6 In addition no child would be admitted at 11 unless his parents undertook to keep him at school until 18 ( though presumably the schools would have the right to throw out children who proved unsuitable , or who did not do enough work ) .
7 Two sexy , not-so-dumb-broads would like the attention of some sexy dudes , preferably one nautical Smiths fan and one Ice-Man look-alike hip-hop , house fan .
8 It was hardly the way her readers would expect the creator of Nathan Latimer to react to a crisis , she thought , ashamed of her weakness .
9 The international force of police inspectors would have the power to fine non-compliers .
10 Those organizations whose clients benefit from the subsidy , whether it be the private pensions industry , or the building societies or banks , would be told a year in advance what the cash ceiling was to be , and the organizations would have the task of sharing out the tax subsidy amongst customers , and potential new customers .
11 DPR 's actual trading room consisted of a matchbox style office in which two overworked traders would place the company 's orders to brokers situated in London , Chicago , or New York .
12 This was increasingly felt as an irksome and illogical limitation as the work of the Committee progressed , and prompted a somewhat disingenuous argument in its Report that in the long run the distinction would lose significance , because computers would sweep the board , and there would be no manual records anyway — an improbable outcome .
13 We might expect the throne for some generations to be occupied by a more or less yellow king ; but can any one believe that the whole island will gradually acquire a white , or even a yellow population , or that the islanders would acquire the energy , courage , ingenuity , patience , self-control , endurance , in virtue of which qualities our hero killed so many of their ancestors , and begot so many children ; these qualities , in fact , which the struggle for existence would select , if it could select anything ?
14 The solution proposed was a two-tier system by which government appointed peers would have the right to vote , hereditary peers being allowed to speak but not vote while the delaying powers on legislation would be cut to six months .
15 As our findings indicate that traditional farming techniques cause significant erosion , it is unlikely that a return to prehispanic farming methods would solve the problem of environmental degradation .
16 Only drastic curbs on foreigners would prevent the misuse and injury of German citizens , and ensure their safety and their gemeinwesen ( communal essence ) .
17 The long-term aim of this research should be to obtain a reasonable representation of the various errors that exist , although practical considerations would limit the scope and complexity of the representations used .
18 Producing a good report , especially on a very technical paper , can take many hours , and editors do not seem to appreciate how rewarding referees would find the knowledge that their comments were taken note of and that the other referees agreed with them .
19 For example , in messages like : Your coat 's on fire The wing 's breaking up The radio 's gone wrong Your uncle 's died probably the majority of English speakers would place the tonic stress on the subject noun , though it is difficult to see how this is more important than the last lexical word in each of the sentences .
20 Russia was assured by the G-7 that expeditious action by the Paris Club of creditor nations would ease the debt burden of the Commonwealth of Independent States ( CIS ) , presently estimated at between US$65,000 million and US$70,000 million .
21 Such a drug , he suggests , would be not unlike crack , and the poor shmucks who were n't UMC would love it , while those who 'd worked so hard for their privileges would despise the short-cut : you 're either UMC or you are n't , simulacra wo n't do .
22 Both these roles would allow the researcher to seem inquisitive and to ask questions without the members of the group knowing the true nature of the work the researcher was doing .
23 Most Marxists would accept the thrust of the economic arguments presented by instrumental theorists .
24 Few strategists would gainsay the primacy of the First Pillar — the defence of the British Isles — upon which the sovereignty of the realm depends ; though , paradoxically , the United Kingdom has usually been so secure behind its sea walls that Home Defence has been accorded the lowest allocation of resources .
25 They knew better than to insult their hosts by open mention of this superiority ; such bad manners would disgrace the clan .
26 Dare I say that a set of vintage pickups and a lick of conductive paint would almost complete the sonic illusion , in the same way that burying the neck and body in peat for a few months would crown the guitar 's appearance !
27 A shipload of India 's textiles in the next two months would encourage the villager and ensure 1,000,000 tons of rice from Burma 's surplus for India next Christmas .
28 In particular I wondered whether the two brothers would have the capacity and the style to take their company into the upper echelons of the business world .
29 Kilner , certain dicta would support the view that in some circumstances directors owe fiduciary duties to shareholders .
30 Clients can also buy extra vouchers for specific occasions , although regular extra vouchers would alert the service to the possibility of a new assessment of need .
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