Example sentences of "[noun pl] will be [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The pattern of pitch which accompanies the first clause or group of words will be recognised by an English listener as in some way complete and it will hold it together as a separate unit and separate it from the following clause , which will also be held together by intonation .
2 These words will be inscribed on your heart before we finish today .
3 If at the same time the adult says , ‘ Look ’ or , ‘ What 's this ? ’ it seems plausible that the words will be interpreted by the child in terms of the communicative acts they accompany — that is , as ‘ attention-getters ’ and devices for locating conversational topics .
4 Technical words will be construed in a technical sense .
5 However policy H two as drafted , seeks to deprive the decision maker of the ability to consider all material considerations , by the unqualified use of the words will be required to and applies this to all twelve criteria without allowing discretion to be taken into account of any special circumstances that might present to justify exceptional development .
6 Religious leaders spell out their warnings , in countless funeral services , but their words will be wasted without a response from the politicians .
7 General words will be implied in all leases ( other than an agreement for lease for a term exceeding three years ( Borman v Griffith [ 1930 ] 1 Ch 493 ) ) unless a contrary intention appears in the lease .
8 Therefore by choosing a long-tailed male the female will have her eggs fathered by a strong male and such beneficial characteristics will be inherited by her sons .
9 However , it is not necessarily the case that these characteristics will be exhibited within other domains .
10 Huge stands will be erected around the main grass court in early July to ensure more spectators than ever get a chance to witness the talents of some heroes and heroines of yesteryear .
11 When a search is completed up to twelve small images will be displayed on the lower area of the screen , you can then choose the one you want and enlarge it so that it appears on the screen together with any relevant background information .
12 Third , church planting is how unreached cities , nations and peoples will be reached with the gospel .
13 I do believe that er we go on into the nineties the European Parliament will play an increasingly important role , but this will be because countries and peoples will be asking for it to play , to control the European Commission in Brussels , to push forward the policies which people are looking for and it is after all , I think we should recall , that it is the Germans now who are calling for strength and institutions , including increased powers for the European Parliament .
14 Handbills and windowbills will be displayed on buses and distributed throughout the area .
15 Slavering foxes will be stopped from trotting down 30 miles of tunnel by ten-foot fences , electric ‘ stun mats ' and being shot with humane killers .
16 Because few tickets are available fans will be limited to just one pair of tickets each .
17 And on the Thursday , jazz fans will be treated to a comedy cabaret show at the Alton House Hotel , courtesy of Otis B. Driftwood .
18 The crowd and television fans will be thirsting for Eubank to be more positive than against Tony Thornton two months ago , when he simply shouldered arms and retreated during the last two rounds before nicking the points decision .
19 MUSIC from five centuries will be sung at a choral concert tonight by the St Cecilia Singers .
20 The work of lining up and fixing the cylinders will be taken in hand early this year , and then work will start on the valve gear , which will be of the original ‘ gab ’ type .
21 Keen walkers will be spoilt for choice by the range of tracks and routes available to them , from leisurely strolls through Alpine meadows to more taxing and strenuous mountain hikes .
22 Where the UCTA 1977 applies and a term is subject to the reasonableness test , similar considerations will be taken into account in assessing reasonableness under para ( c ) of Sched 2 .
23 I 've not had time to celebrate but the champagne corks will be popping on Sunday night if we beat Leigh .
24 Two of these schools whose senior management teams have adopted contrasting teamwork styles will be studied in greater depth over a full year .
25 People have to make choices ; some goals will be achieved at the price of others .
26 Abatement strategies to meet these goals will be determined on the basis of cost-effectiveness for the European Region as a whole .
27 Your own goals will be determined by your current level of exercise , your current fitness .
28 Data collected in these schools will be compared with data collected in these same schools between 1985 and 1987 .
29 Some of the schools will be converted to new uses : adult education centres , for example .
30 I believe it is very likely that , because of the savings now being made within the education service , that some schools will be looking at the opting out process .
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