Example sentences of "[noun pl] which is [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 They have developed a bond with the Dragon Princes down the centuries which is now bred into their very spirit .
2 Microsoft have already moved strongly to meet the new generation of MS-DOS multimedia computers which is about to emerge .
3 However , this crossing is on a route from the town centre to housing areas and schools which is heavily used by pedestrians and cyclists , so the opportunity was taken to reconstruct the junction to meet the needs of soft traffic ( Figure 6.12 ) .
4 They are needed to dress up the stage for the production of Willy Russell 's Stags And Hens which is about to go into rehearsal at the Arts .
5 ( 2 ) During an offer neither the offeror nor the board of the target company may provide information to some shareholders which is not made available to all .
6 A simpler realization of the Geroch group of transformations which is specifically applied to colliding wave solutions has been found by Ernst , García-Díaz and Hauser ( 1987 b ) .
7 The founder of the theory of scales which is commonly used as the basis for social measurement is the psychologist S.S. Stevens , whose ideas began to crystallise in the 1940s in response to a challenge issued , in 1932 , by physicists and psychologists of the British Association for the Advancement of Science to " assess the possibility of " " quantitative estimates of sensory events " " .
8 Thereafter about 10 per cent of qualified staff left annually , particularly in the younger age groups which is partially compensated for by the re-entry of qualified staff .
9 To take one last example , when we read in Canto 101 ( and many other places ) about ‘ Mont Ségur ’ , the gloss we need is in the Michelin Guide to the pyrenees , where we learn that the Château of Mont Ségur saw the last stand of the Cathars or Albigensians , another heretical movement of the Middle Ages which is mysteriously connected with the quest of the grail .
10 It aims to keep things that way by launching a High Court copyright action against British software designer Codemasters which is about to launch its games on the market .
11 Although Pearce has demonstrated that the major generating and receiving nations are developed nations , especially in Europe and North America , there has been a marked increase in tourism to developing countries which is actively encouraged to generate foreign currency .
12 This has yielded substantial modelling possibilities which is now approaching the stage where virtually all of the guesswork has been taken out of credit marketing .
13 In this way , a form of pre-censorship is imposed on feature films which is not inflicted upon books or magazines or theatre .
14 205(1) ( xxvii ) " Term of years absolute " means a term of years ( taking effect either in possession or in reversion whether or not at a rent ) with or without impeachment for waste , subject or not to another legal estate , and either certain or liable to determination by notice , re-entry , operation of law , or by a provision for cesser on redemption , or in any other event ( other than the dropping of a life , or the determination of a determinable life interest ) ; but does not include any term of years determinable with life or lives or with the cesser of a determinable life interest , nor , if created after the commencement of this Act , a term of years which is not expressed to take
15 ‘ The public library is the only channel of communication of ideas and feelings which is not controlled either by powerful minority interests or by monopolies .
16 Hegemony is typically an unequal relationship established between a great power and one or more smaller powers which is nevertheless based on the juridical or formal equality of all the states concerned .
17 Immunohistochemical studies using monoclonal antibodies have added further information as there is a peculiar pattern of expression of surface antigenic determinants which is not seen in normal colon , infectious colitis , or graft- versus -host disease .
18 As in France and the UK , the number of consumers affected by water supplies with high nitrate levels is falling , but not the number of contaminated sources which is still rising in some regions .
19 Both sections 12 and 14 allow the senior police officer to impose conditions only if he ‘ reasonably believes ’ that the stipulated events will occur , and the Government White Paper expressed the view that the new law would ‘ ensure that demonstrators have an effective means of challenging any decision by the police to impose conditions which is not justified by a real risk of serious disorder , disruption or coercion . ’
20 This lack of continuity and , in reality , lack of co-ordination and co-operation , is a state of affairs which is generally mirrored in other countries , although in Eastern Europe national programmes of user education may be making some headway in obviating this problem .
21 Why should we worry about this if the marriage remains the harmonious institution for pooling resources which is normally assumed , in economic theory as elsewhere ?
22 Montrose House would of course not be the only cost-effective alternative but it does give some idea of the scandalous waste of resources which is still going on in the semi-State sector .
23 An approximation to the response curves which is sometimes used is where Q is the irradiance , P is the actual photosynthesis and a the maximum photosynthesis at irradiance Q. Finally a/b is the initial slope of the curve and hence the efficiency .
24 Before considering the " Cambridge Crisis " , it is important to look at an aspect of English studies which is often ignored .
25 In these life stories , then , each user is providing an interpretation of past actions which is intimately linked to his or her present-day existence .
26 This may be defined as care provided by family , friends and neighbours which is not organized via a statutory or voluntary agency and is not undertaken for financial reward .
27 " Capital sum " for these purposes has the same meaning as in s677. ( b ) Associated payments In relation to any capital sum paid to the settlor by a body corporate the expression " associated payment " means : ( i ) any capital sum paid to that body by the trustees of the settlement ; and ( ii ) any other sum paid or asset transferred to that body by those trustees which is not paid or transferred for full consideration in money or money 's worth being a sum paid or asset transferred in the five years ending or beginning with the date on which the capital sum is paid to the settlor ( s678(3) ) .
28 Sloth bears have a bad reputation for attacking villagers which is occasionally merited .
29 Now , we can see that market competition expresses only one part , only one model of the ‘ life ’ of separate commodity producers , i.e. , that model of relations which is not connected with the division of social labour .
30 What has happened , in fact , is that Cutler has been forced to try and squeeze together a neo-Benjaminian theory of productive forces and a picture of productive relations which is positively Adorn Ian !
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