Example sentences of "[noun pl] which [vb past] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The consequence of this is that human beings have increasingly come to resemble in their adult form the immature — or even foetal — forms of their early ancestors by means of a tendency to delay their individual development and to retain into maturity characteristics which typified the immature stages of their predecessors .
2 Nigel , who in any case really delighted in sows ' ears which had the faintest possibility of turning into even cotton purses , beavered away with them for an hour or more before unceremoniously dumping them in the dustbin and banging down the lid .
3 Most verbs had three consonants , and it was these scribes who superimposed a system of vowels which became the standard text .
4 As with so many of the apparently unreal differences on the Left it was organizational rather than principled considerations which divided the Communist and non-Communist advocates of Unity .
5 The collapse of the communist regimes of eastern Europe prompted the formation of new regional groupings and alliances as well as giving a new lease of life to existing organizations which straddled the former east-west divide .
6 A possible explanation for this apparently delayed effect of the Black Death is that the first onset , despite its virulence , did not harm the economy as a whole as much as might have been expected , and that it was the continuing effect of later outbreaks which did the greater damage .
7 There were too many internal contradictions which prevented the different constituencies from working effectively together .
8 Out of the hard glare of the open courts we passed into cool , columned halls which offered the same inviting refuge as the palm groves along the banks of the river .
9 This definition was used by Cohen to explain the response to youth in the 1950s and 1960s but it can be similarly applied to moral crises in the more distant past — one may refer by way of example , to the nexus of fears generated by the French Revolution , which significantly shaped the contours of ‘ Victorian ’ sexuality , or the anxieties which produced the legislative restructuring of the 1880s and 1900s , or the fears generated by the cold war in the 1950s .
10 The opposition objected to the law , saying , among other things , that it did not provide for " equitable participation " of both sides on the electoral bodies , and that the FSLN would receive most of the money from a government campaigning fund to be distributed to the parties which won the most votes in the 1984 elections ( which the opposition had boycotted ) .
11 In contrast to the managerial goals which underpinned the attempted introduction of quality circles , Ford regards the creation of such formal structures as secondary to gradual infusion of employee involvement in routine collective bargaining .
12 Such aspects of Fascist economics were almost an anticipation of Labour government policy in the crises which followed the Second World War .
13 He said that was what you called cars which had the wrong parts .
14 In August the DHAC announced a public meeting at the Diamond with a list of invited speakers which included the Catholic Bishop of Derry , the mayor , three Nationalist councillors , a curate from St Eugene 's Catholic Cathedral , the city 's medical officer of health and John Hume .
15 With the help of the United Nations Institute for Namibia ( UNIN ) and other agencies , SWAPO developed a network of schools which served the large refugee population in camps in Angola and Zambia .
16 As the project progressed , it was also harder to find schools which fitted the original criteria for Minors , e.g. one library division had been fortunate in finding Majors , but began to find it difficult to identify , for Minor recommendation , " schools which have had a degree of interest and success for some years " .
17 ( This was a purely English Report on Primary Education entitled Children and Their Primary Schools which followed the earlier 1965 Report on Primary Education in Scotland ( 3 ) called just that .
18 Even though there was a serious risk that its reaction with the hot burning metal would cause a hydrogen explosion , thousands of gallons of water at the highest pressure possible were pumped through the channels which held the burning fuel .
19 The process is simply to find the combination of variables which gave the best fit in the past and then to extrapolate the equation to make predictions .
20 They said that they had difficulties with those designs which combined the two offices in one building , as the prizes were to be awarded for both parts .
21 The Ottawa Conference of July and August 1932 paved the way for increased trade between the nations which formed the British Empire and thus effectively operated a system of protection .
22 The 50-year ban , which now needs to be ratified by the governments of the 26 " voting members " of the Treaty , was a compromise between those nations which favoured the eventual opening of the Antarctic to mineral exploitation ( notably the USA and UK ) , and those which supported proposals for the continent to be declared a " world park " ( led by Australia and France ) .
23 Other sins which made the top ten included running red lights , crossing hands on the steering wheel , lack of concentration and insufficient use of the rearview mirror .
24 It follows a winding course through low-lying water meadows , between the piers which supported the old railway arch ( unused in the wake of Dr Beeching ) , down through attractive wooded slopes to Steeple Mill .
25 Most seamen in trading ships as well as those in the vessels which performed the remarkable feat of transporting the whole of the British Expeditionary Force , together with horses , guns and full equipment to France by September 1914 , profited from the £pound1 increase , while the union threw its full weight behind its undertaking to maintain the supply of seamen .
26 The adaptive expectations hypothesis had come to earlier prominence in Philip Cagan 's ( 1956 ) path breaking study of the monetary dynamics of the European hyperinflations which followed the Great War .
27 In its origins , it was indistinguishable from the institutions which became the independent Public Schools .
28 However , Credit Suisse , host to a meeting in Zurich on Monday of the institutions which arranged the 11 issues , said yesterday they had agreed to ‘ co-ordinate their efforts for the benefit of bondholders ’ .
29 Many of the characteristics of the postwar period which we associate with Fordism , for example , high levels of military spending or private consumption , could just as well be explained in terms of the political institutions which shaped the Fordist era .
30 The course notes which accompanied the first ‘ Beating the Developers ’ course , are available on request .
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