Example sentences of "[noun pl] that i have been " in BNC.

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1 Well one of the aspects that I have been looking at is erm the impact of technical change on women 's position in the rural areas , and particularly as it concerns women who belong to landless households , or women who belong to small peasant cultivator households .
2 They precept on the constituent district councils and they receive direct grant from Government and the problems encountered in Derbyshire where the county council reduced the budget approved by the police authority have been quite eliminated and that My Lords is the only reasons that I have been able to trace so far for amending the law as this Bill proposes .
3 I have noticed this during the last two or three days that I have been sitting here , being able for the first time in this House , to see the faces of my old associates , I have admired the way in which they have cheered to keep their spirits up , and I have admired those who have done that knowing — knowing — that only a few weeks , possibly , remain , before the place that knows them now will know them no more .
4 In the fifteen years that I have been giving lectures on sleep and dreaming to many groups of sixth-formers as well as undergraduate students , I have , in fact , only once had a single positive response to this question .
5 In the nineteen years that I have been in Parliament , I can not think of anyone , save for Enoch Powell , who has been a more powerful advocate of liberal economics than John Biffen .
6 I speak as an hon. Member who has served time on four such Bills during the four years that I have been in the House — the City of London ( Various Powers ) Bill , the Tees and Hartlepool Port Authority Bill , and the London Underground Bills Nos. 1 and 2 .
7 I for one value the friendship that he has given me in the eight and a half years that I have been a Member of the House , despite the fact that we are in different parties and disagree on many issues .
8 So that answers all those years that I have been conducting these seminars , it answers my question not in the way I was particularly happy about I have to say , but I mean it did answer my question and then it may be them having you know I mean like sort of things I may not be particularly happy with , but maybe it is good that the papers are reflecting what the community wants .
9 That position received the strongest support from various members of the family , and it was only by strenuous and prolonged efforts that I have been able to persuade them to let me bring you this memorandum , which contains , as I 've said , all the relevant items in the letter . ’
10 I shall ensure that their names are added to all the complaints that I have been making .
11 From documents that I have been sent by the senior chief inspector it is clear that the total number of inspectors will be used as follows : 11 will conduct high-profile surveys and focus inspections , six will inspect schools at risk and another 26 will undertake inspections to supplement database evidence .
12 Here he is , h h he has the very unpleasant duty of explaining and justifying the drafting of this measure a a and I do hope it would be , it would be really rather an unexpected realisation of an ambition , but nevertheless one hopes eternal if my Noble Friend were to get up and say that as a result these few remarks that I have been tempted to make that some kind of effort is going to be made to tidy up as th th the processes whereby er such stuff appears , is allowed to appear on the pages of the Statute Book er er I do recall that when the Charities Bill was going through several committees , my Noble Friend was n't who who was d d dealing with the Bill in , on behalf of the Government was exceedingly helpful and I hope that he will show the same degree of goodwill today er and , and , and er h if he 's very clear and devote is very considerable energies to persuading those professional obs obfuscators who are responsible for this kind of garbage to do better in the future .
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