Example sentences of "[noun pl] he have [vb pp] at " in BNC.

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1 In the past eighteen months he has felt at an appallingly low ebb .
2 Waving a fist at the camera , Cameron Nielson recited the names of those blacklist casualties he had avenged at last .
3 A character wearing the Talisman of Ulric automatically recovers wounds he has suffered at the start of his turn .
4 His face , however , was smeared by the dabbings he had made at it with a stupendously dirty handkerchief .
5 But any woman would have reacted with anger to his insults , he reminded himself , especially if the barbs he 'd slung at her were accurate and she was trying to convince him otherwise .
6 ‘ They are great pals , the prince enjoys her company and he has found her of great help in the recent troubles he has had at home .
7 A popular legend tells of Arion , a lyric poet and musician , who was returning to Greece from Italy , laden with riches he had won at music competitions .
8 Members of the Dan Quayle Commemorative Foundation hope to display memorabilia he has donated at a converted church in his home town of Huntington , Indiana .
9 He seems to have taken this view because he was perturbed about the growing power and intransigence of the Soviet Union , whose diplomats he had encountered at the foundation conference of the United Nations in San Francisco in April 1945 .
10 At times rambling incoherently ( one observer in court thought him demented ) Mathews repeated all the lies he had told at the original trial and added several more .
11 The Duke provided a list of suitable , sober and solid men , but the Young Frog had simply scrawled out their names and replaced them with friends he had made at Eton and , when some of those friends declined the honour , he found other congenial officers who knew how to leaven war 's rigours with riotous enjoyment .
12 After the screaming adrenalin of the snatch outside Oxford , they had been penned up day and night in a single house , drinking beer from cans he had bought at motorway service stations , keeping out of sight all the time , hearing callers at the door ring and ring before finally going away without an answer .
13 A school-leaver may indeed immediately use some of the practical skills he has learned at school , exactly as he has been taught them .
14 I was happy in that I felt that I had paid him back a little for the thousands of hours he had spent at West London Stadium , stopwatch in hand , urging us all on to greater things .
15 The loss of such a man at most other clubs would have spelt disaster , but Chapman had foreseen the danger and the solid foundations he had built at the club enabled Arsenal to win another League Championship the following year .
16 The signature was not the signature of the letters and contracts he had seen at Jackson 's .
17 He was thinking instead of the twenty minutes he had spent at home between a difficult hour persuading the voluntary organist at New End ( a retired primary-school headmistress who felt she was being taken for granted ) to continue , at least temporarily , and this service of compline at Quindale .
18 ‘ We met and he showed me some excellent photos he had taken at the crash site .
19 His pockets bulged with the prizes he had won at the plastic ducks : a packet of fruit gums , a monkey on a stick that broke the first time he made it jump and three engagement rings with glass stones in them .
20 Minton would have been familiar with Buffet 's art , and that of other picasso-influenced French Realists , either through reproductions or from exhibitions he had seen at the Anglo-French Institute .
21 This was not one of the women he had peeped at on other occasions .
22 As bishop , Desiderius had occasion to write about numerous specific issues , but he also took time to maintain the friendships he had made at court .
23 He transferred an inmate to the newly rebuilt County Hospital , where , pending the provision of the facilities he had requested at the workhouse , he operated on the man for cataract .
24 Remembering all the dinners he had eaten at the Dysons ' when he had been living on his own , Bob invited Morris back to his flat one evening so that Tessa could cook dinner for him in his turn .
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