Example sentences of "[noun pl] i can [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 For a number of reasons I can not accept Mill 's answer to the question , ‘ What does it mean to say that something is white ? ’
2 In other words , I mean I 'm retired and I mean the point is that my erm experience goes back into the er into the dark ages I can almost say because in these days , you probably realise , I mean if anybody buys a video you do n't ask you do n't look for the book of instructions you ask about a five year old kiddy how to programme it !
3 During the summer months I can usually get away with leaving my boat conveniently tied up to the pier , but only if I am at home to keep an eye on the weather : in Shetland , even in summer , a gale can blow up from the south east , causing a swell to set into the voe .
4 Yes it has , and as my mind races back over nearly four decades I can not help but smile , how is it possible that everything has changed so much ?
5 The agent then walked away with a constable , ostensibly in arrest , but whether they spent the day over the brow of the hill twiddling their thumbs I can not say .
6 ‘ Some days I can hardly see down the road at all and with all these people parking I just ca n't get through .
7 I have to look after two dear little boys , but these days I can only see them growing up to behave so cruelly towards women .
8 You know , it 's funny but over the years I can always remember you saying : me , my , mine .
9 Without such concepts I can not see that human infants could acquire a language ’ ( 1982 : 47 ) .
10 I find that absolutely because you know my stories I can only write so much and then I stop and think about then and then I write some more .
11 God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change , the courage to change the things I can , And the wisdom to know the difference .
12 For memories are the only things I can ever have of you now , my sweet , lovely girl …
13 I am talking to a man who has seen things I can only imagine .
14 It 's like our Albert , he tells that many jokes I can never remember half of what he tells me .
15 ‘ We should emphasise that we do have opinions on what is happening , but in my place as an official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs I can not go into comments without having all-inclusive information and orders in that regard . ’
16 Are there assumptions I can safely make about the language they understand , their level of awareness , the social and political groups they identify with ?
17 Under ideal conditions I can just see the components separately with 20 × 70 binoculars , but I am not confident that I can do so with any lower magnification .
18 M79 is in the same field with 41 , and against a dark sky there should be no real problem in locating it , though under moonlight conditions I can not see it without a telescope .
19 From my crevice between the two machines I can just see Pa 's face .
20 In a gap in the trees I can now look down over a green vegetable pointillism of tree-tops , falling away down to the town .
21 The original play is by an Englishman , though what Gamal is doing translating plays by Englishmen I can not think .
22 Through the vapours I can even grasp at the idea that the hatred and malice of my enemies , their whisperings and pointings , are but emanations of one of the form , of love .
23 Years later I was at first comforted to read that an adult man could express similar sentiments about himself : ‘ When I consider others I can easily believe that their bodies express their personalities and that the two are inseparable .
24 In seas I can not sound ,
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