Example sentences of "[noun pl] have no [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 This complexity explains why the system of concepts and of values has no direct relationship with the process of production ; the two do n't fit .
2 Prunella Scales has no special voice for children and reads Laura Cecil 's anthology of stories for young children , ‘ Listen To This ’ ( TS404 — one cassette ; 55 minutes ) , with her customary forthrightness and versatility .
3 For word sequences having no complete parse then the probabilities of any partial phrases that had been generated were used .
4 Less work has been done with animal models , but recent work from India has shown that some homoeopathic remedies in various potencies displayed anti-viral activity in developing chick embryos , whereas other remedies had no anti-viral effect in mice .
5 We must allow ourselves time to grieve for the past but the guards had no such time .
6 Dentists had no financial incentive to extract teeth , he said .
7 Parliament was an assembly over which the clergy had no theoretical control , however much weight they might wield within it in practice ; convocation was a provincial — not a national assembly , and , though often summoned on the king 's nod , it met by , and laid down , its own procedures and determined its own composition .
8 The political situation in Germany before 1914 , in which parties had no direct role in the formation of the Imperial Government , which functioned independently of them , meant that the SPD had no reason to think of its activities mainly in parliamentary terms .
9 Cade and his supporters had no constructive programme for social reform , and appeared to be unconcerned about questions of servile status or land rents .
10 The truth is that things had reached the stage where manufacturers had no more cloth left to cut — hence the race to convince more users to buy more features than they may need .
11 [ … ] The decision-makers have no agreed set of objectives or common definition of social welfare .
12 6.1 Quiet enjoyment To permit the Tenant peaceably and quietly to hold and enjoy the Premises without any interruption or disturbance from or by the Landlord or any person claiming under or in trust for the Landlord [ or by title paramount ] This covenant quite often contains a provision that it is dependent upon the tenant paying the rent reserved by the lease and performing and observing the covenants on its part and the conditions contained in the lease , but these words have no practical effect , and do not render payment of the rent and performance of the covenants conditions precedent to the operation of the covenant ( Edge v Boileau ( 1885 ) 16 QB 117 ) .
13 These characteristics have no real place in vibrant Christian worship , whether of Catholic or Evangelical variety .
14 About one-third of black teachers in DET secondary schools have no secondary teaching qualifications ( see Figure 10.2 ) .
15 Prep schools have no secure catchment area , they have always depended on the forces of the market place for their survival .
16 The operating units have no fixed position but can move about the network from one location to another .
17 Later organizational theorists ( for example , Starbuck , 1982 ) argue that the ‘ garbage-can ’ view of the world is too extreme in its implications that organizations have no controlled order at all .
18 No , top hat and tails have no real use other than to make a nervous bridegroom look even more awkward so that everyone can enjoy his discomfort and , therefore , the wedding .
19 Third parties have no legal basis for a claim that a treaty merely affects them in some way , or that non-performance or reduced performance has frustrated their own expectations ; nor can they interfere with the rights of other States to enter into such treaties .
20 At the moment most drivers have no official training on how to cope with motorway conditions , I asked Sergeant Bill Clarke from the Forces Driving School why it was n't part of the driving test .
21 His estimate that 150,000 Iraqi Shias had sought refuge in Iran is exactly three times the figure given by the Iranian interior minister ( although the Iranians have no obvious reason to underestimate the number of refugees ) .
22 Obviously , animals have no such sophistication and , just as babies , fail to respond to these placebos .
23 From this it would follow that the principle of organic unities has no clear meaning .
24 Throughout the day , Mr Springer diligently took notes , nodding when members complained that the Communists had no economic programme to match Solidarity 's , and when others questioned the acceptance of privatisation .
25 However , where blacks had no viable method of expressing nationalism when disillusion with the achievements of civil rights set in , Catholics could revert to a nationalism which already shaped much of their previous experience .
26 Experiments with modified nets had no significant effect on the rates of entanglement .
27 Even though these visits had no special significance , they were accompanied by mysterious tension ( her mother would always turn silent ) , arousing Agnes 's curiosity .
28 Moreover , given the length of the post-1980 upswing , an unusually large proportion of companies had no previous experience of dealing with recession .
29 On the other hand , it has been held that gypsies who camp on public land can not argue , in defence to a claim for an eviction order by a council , that the council has failed to fulfil its statutory obligation to provide camping sites because the gypsies had no legal right to the land on which they were camping .
30 There was no assault because , cocooned within their vehicles and surrounded by the police , the working miners had no genuine fear of immediate physical violence , as required by that tort .
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