Example sentences of "[noun pl] have come into [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The polytechnics were having to carry into the 1970s a defence and assertion of their particular — though not necessarily homogeneous — values and procedures , and in doing so made necessary a constant reaffirmation of the vocational or service roles that had aroused fierce passions throughout the nineteenth and twentieth centuries as new institutions and new sectors had come into existence in many countries .
2 Computers have come into schools both at secondary level and primary level .
3 They will brighten the garden , produce leaf and die down again often before other plants have come into growth .
4 Companies have shouldered too much debt , to play their own financial games or to avoid being taken over ; the balance of risk and reward has become skewed ; the ethics of advisers and intermediaries have come into question ; the market has departed from good sense and sound financial principles , and has passed , with Alice , into a looking-glass world in which words , prices and obligations mean only what people claim they mean , nothing more .
5 The world 's first commercial power station fuelled by chickens has come into operation at Eye in Suffolk .
6 My figures show that although there were 34,000 business failures in the first nine months of this year , every week 1,000 new businesses have come into existence under the enterprise allowance scheme alone .
7 The Whig and Tory groupings had come into existence over a particular crisis , and although that crisis was not about just one issue — Exclusion — it was the case that the parties polarised over how they thought the crisis could be resolved .
8 It 's the second time in a quarter of a century that the locals have come into conflict with planning officials .
9 Because new maximum exposure limits have come into force the Health and Safety Executive has also published guidance dealing specifically with chromium compounds and nickel and its organic compounds .
10 But a mild winter and plenty of rain means that this year the flowers have come into bloom a month early .
11 It is no coincidence that mass schooling was invented at roughly the time when nation states had come into existence and the need arose to instil in their citizens the idea that the new entity had first claim on their loyalties .
12 In 1970 , Pamela Allerston , for example , looked at villages in the Vale of Pickering and was able to show that some with very regular plans had come into existence in the early Middle Ages and replaced an earlier arrangement of scattered hamlets .
13 Our Sunday Trading laws have come into question as a result of a possible conflict with Article 30 of the Treaty of Rome .
14 All the same , the potential exists , and it is only since September 1983 that new regulations on the treatment of timber-frame houses with preservatives have come into force .
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