Example sentences of "[noun pl] have be given a " in BNC.

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1 Four giant cranes have been given a lift ten miles down the River Mersey to start a new life working in the Port of Liverpool .
2 While publishing Dawson on ‘ Religion and the Totalitarian State ’ , he selected for notice in the 1934 Criterion a book highlighting persecution of European Jews ; he wrote to Pound speaking of his offence at Pound 's antisemitic remarks ; with regard to the Vichy government in 1941 he wrote in The Christian News-Letter of his ‘ greatest anxiety ’ at news ‘ that ‘ Jews have been given a special status , based on the laws of Nuremberg , which makes their condition little better than that of bondsmen . ’
3 ‘ The Iranians have been given a lot of leeway in the hope that they would cease to have a terrorist agenda .
4 Some authorities have issued broad discussion documents ; others have been rather more prescriptive ( in Croydon , for example , parents have been given a checklist of skills against which to evaluate their children .
5 Parents have been given a bigger role than ever before .
6 Langbaurgh pensioners ' free bus passes have been given a reprieve until the end of April .
7 The gymnasium , swimming pool and even classrooms have been given a new lease of life as part of a timeshare development — such facilities having been a positive attraction to buyers .
8 Ironically , at the eleventh hour the plight of the belugas has been given a boost by the success of whale-watching cruises in the St Lawrence .
9 Accountants have been given a vote of confidence as the most understanding and helpful advisers for British private companies , by the 1,000 owner-directors involved in a recent survey by The Director magazine and Pannell Kerr Forster .
10 The tenants have been given a year 's notice to quit and they face the loss of their livelihood and homes .
11 On Nov. 16 he testified before a parliamentary committee that orders had been given a month previously to freeze " Operation Gladio " .
12 Some thought that fundholding general practitioners had been given a perverse incentive not to spend money on their patients or even to be selective in the types of patient they enrolled on their list .
13 All hospital patients had been given a diagnosis of primary depression uncomplicated by any underlying condition such as alcoholism , but were also given a full clinical interview ( PSE ) by the research psychiatrist .
14 The emotive subject of rapes has been given a great deal of publicity , and every case of an alleged rape of a Serbian woman by an Albanian is used as a pretext for fierce agitation among the Serbian population .
15 The Full Federal Court allowed the appeal on the ground that there had been no breach of natural justice as the respondents had been given a hearing and , in the opinion of one Judge , had not been deprived of any present benefit or advantage .
16 It is murmured that one or two departments have been given a warning shot across the bows : ‘ improve , or you may sink without trace ’ .
17 It comes to this : some pits have been given a fighting chance — albeit in a contracting market — that they did not have last year .
18 Milton had written a letter to one of the Stirlingshire lairds , assuring him of his friendship and advising him that one of the laird 's sons had been given a post as a salt officer .
19 Before the first day of the project , both groups had been given a very general outline of the activities in which they would be involved .
20 A fourteen year old criminal who 's had holidays in Spain paid for by social services has been given a two-year supervision order .
21 Formalities over , our routine search of the yacht revealed that , amongst other educational subjects the boys had been given a practical lesson in how to avoid paying the duty on a considerable quantity of wines and spirits .
22 In practice registry work and the storage of ‘ dead ’ records have been given a low profile and few resources .
23 The authorities have been given a record £181 million for 1992/3 to develop Aids services and were told by the NHS management executive yesterday to increase supplies to surgeries .
24 St Petersburg 's palaces have been given a new chance .
25 These deflation surfaces have been given a variety of names : desert pavement and boulder pavement are self-explanatory terms , while the gravel left after deflation has been termed lag gravel and in the Sahara a stone-strewn surface is known as hamada .
26 Shock-absorbing devices of many types have been given a hard look .
27 I feel that some sort of ceremony of blessing of the place may be in order , now that the remains have been given a proper burial , and I have asked for his opinion .
28 In general , however , Haycocks III has been regarded as the least important of the three reports and the difficult financial climate of the last few years has meant that its recommendations have been given a low priority .
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