Example sentences of "[noun pl] have be [v-ing] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 One of the country 's top chefs has been sampling life at the bottom … testing school dinners .
2 Some of the bitterest fighting during the last nine months has been taking place between these two factions in and around Mogadishu , particularly since November 1991 , with neither yet gaining control .
3 Six of the escapers had been facing death sentences .
4 The Lib Dems have been gaining ground in Cheltenmham for some years .
5 This second year of decline followed eight years of modest growth ; but over the long term independent schools have been losing market share .
6 More than 30,000 pupils from 70 Wirral schools have been raising money for Winch , which expects to hand over a five-figure cheque to the national appeal the following Friday .
7 WRAC recruits have been doing weapon training only since July 1988 , but they quickly master the skills of stripping and assembling , cleaning and preparing , before they progress to live firing on the ranges .
8 UK industry has already agreed to an 85 per cent interim cut in CFCs and carbon tetrachloride for 1993 and representatives of user industries and manufacturers have been meeting Department of the Environment officials to discuss the practicalities of cutting 1,1,1-trichloroethane and halons .
9 The logic is inescapable and is supported by no less a body than the French Centre d'Observation Economique ( CEO ) , which published a report last month showing that French franc appreciation hit French export competitiveness in mid-1992 , while French manufacturers have been losing ground in their domestic market since the middle of 1991 .
10 The Training Department has also been involved in CCG 's expansion and over the past three months trainers have been delivering induction courses for our openings at SG Warburg , British Gas Heysham , Sunderland schools and recent public sector contracts .
11 Sound engineers , lighting technicians , set designers , carpenters and electricians have been working night and day , high on the adrenalin that 90 minutes of live T.V. induces .
12 With a wet spring giving way to brilliant dry weather many of the mountain crags have been receiving attention , both in terms of new routes and repeats of less frequented or unrepeated lines .
13 The fierce campaign by several anti-Maastricht movements has been gaining ground .
14 Owen knew his parents had been having aromatherapy massage , so I think it made him feel grown-up and important .
15 Closures of railway lines had been taking place for many years , accelerated by the growing availability of cars in the 1950s .
16 Thus when there was demand for training youth in drama the holder of the purse , the government , turned for advice not to educationalists , not to speech and drama experts ( although there was some overlap here ) , but to a small group of charismatic figures who for decades had been promoting community drama of one sort or another , promoting it by giving advice , by running courses , by setting up drama libraries of play-texts , by making links with professional theatre , by popularising competitive festivals .
17 The new EC Framework Programme for 1990–94 was adopted earlier this year and since then negotiations about the individual programme lines have been taking place .
18 It is clear that a great deal of ley hunting done over the past 50 years has been hunting chance alignments .
19 Among the rules and conditions for admission to this establishment a person had to have been resident in the parish for three years to have been receiving parish relief , and to be able to recite the Lord 's prayer and Apsotles ' Creed , also they shall not be an enemy of the Gospel or Established religion , nor a common swearer , adulterer , thief , picker , hedge breaker or drunkard .
20 The conurbations had been losing population relative to the smaller ‘ free-standing ’ cities , and almost al the ‘ cores ’ of the metropolitan areas had experienced absolute or relative population shifts to their metropolitan rings .
21 For some years the growing number of bank collapses had been putting pressure on the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ( FDIC ) , the government body which guaranteed the safety of private savers ' deposits in most , but not all , of the federally approved banks .
22 Unconfirmed local sources claimed that the rebels had been using tourist convoys to transport weapons from Algeria .
23 For the first time in such talks the Sudanese People 's Liberation Army ( SPLA ) , which in previous weeks had been losing ground to government forces throughout southern Sudan , was represented by two independent delegations : the so-called Torit group led by Col. John Garang , and a splinter group supporting Lam Akol , based at the town of Nasir [ for SPLA split see p. 38426 ] .
24 It was disclosed on Jan. 19 , 1989 , that FBI agents posing as commodity traders for nearly two years had been accumulating evidence of widespread fraud on the floors of the Chicago Board of Trade and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange .
25 In a statement read to the inquest , she told how her husband of 11 years had been having difficulty sleeping , but had never talked of suicide .
26 The Forest of Dean freeminers have been hauling coal by hand for 700 years .
27 Hominids have been using fire in Africa for some 1–1.5 million years , but whether the early firing was the work of species of Australopithecus or Homo is not clear .
28 Problems with maintenance on timber cladding have been the main reason why upvc ( unplasticised polyvinyl chloride ) versions have been gaining popularity in recent years .
29 Excavations have been taking place almost continuously in Carlisle since the early 1950s , and a number of useful summaries have been published , beginning with Shaw 's in 1923 .
30 Over the past few months , governments have been considering action to cut back on emissions of greenhouse gases .
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