Example sentences of "[noun pl] have [been] the [adj -est] " in BNC.

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1 Balancing the books has been the toughest part .
2 At several sites , the last six months have been the driest for over a century .
3 The Prince and Princess 's grandmothers have been the best of friends for most of their lives .
4 The marriage which he contemplated for Matilda was with one of the most powerful of the new barons of the Conqueror , Count Alan Rufus , lord of Richmond , who for twenty-five years had been the greatest man in the north of England and one of the most constant witnesses of English royal charters : a central character , therefore , in the government of England , but a potential menace in the semi-conquered North .
5 The first two years had been the hardest — there was hardly a piece of equipment in the kitchen that did n't have a hospital properly stamp on it somewhere — but things had grown steadily better since .
6 The last few days have been the worst of my life so far .
7 Current trading is erm current trading is improving and I would say that er that the last three weeks have been the strongest weeks this year .
8 Swedish investors have been the biggest spenders , splashing out some DM5 billion last year on German property .
9 I think communications has been the biggest change that I saw , erm er from a system which was called the DX system , which is really a very primitive way of calling people by means of generating electric current over some private wires , to fireman 's houses and on to fire station .
10 For a century , after all , the bicheiros have been the closest thing in Brazil to a robber aristocracy .
11 It is quite a normal procedure , and for two mothers who had quite easy births , having these stitches had been the worst thing about it .
12 His doubted claims to have been the greatest mountaineer of his generation have foundation in fact , despite the hostility which existed between him and the English Alpine Club .
13 The last eight miles had been the worst up to that point , and yet I had gone faster than ever before .
14 If the Jesuits had been the greatest implementers of post-conciliar renewal in the Pauline era , Opus Dei would shortly become John Paul 's most reliable institutional arm .
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