Example sentences of "[noun pl] have [vb pp] a great " in BNC.

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1 The United states has done a great deal to blur the barrier between the bomb and the watt .
2 Of course , there have been historical fluctuations in revolutionary activity , as well as considerable variations between societies — with revolutionary parties having had a greater influence in France and Italy than in the rest of Western and Northern Europe or in North America — but the predominant style of working-class politics everywhere has been reformist , directed toward a gradual attrition of the unregulated market economy .
3 Even the perfectionists were impressed and admitted they came away with their tails between their legs having learnt a great lesson about false pride .
4 Meanwhile Richard and his brothers had attended a great court held by Louis VII at Paris in the spring of 1173 .
5 Fortunately , the relations between the American and the British peoples have improved a great deal since then .
6 In addition , the short units have enabled a great variety of topics to be included .
7 ‘ The homes have generated a great deal of interest .
8 First , the ‘ European bookseller Year ’ link with the meeting of the EC bookseller associations has drawn a great deal of attention , leading we hope to the largest ever London get-together of European booksellers .
9 The impact of modern industry TNCs on patriarchal social relations in the developing countries has stimulated a great deal of interesting research in the 1980s ( see , for example , Lim , 1985 ; Nash and Fernandez-Kelly , 1983 ; Garnsey and Paukert , 1987 ) .
10 As some H 2 receptor antagonist maintenance trials have reported a greater proportion of symptomatic ulcer recurrences in patients randomised to placebo , it would be easy to overestimate the placebo relapse rate .
11 Since the mid 1970s the monetary authorities of the UK and other countries have felt a greater concern for the domestic monetary consequences of intervention in the foreign exchange market .
12 One of the reasons why the purchasing power parity theorem has not worked so well over short periods is that the influence on currencies of current account flows has diminished , while capital account transactions have assumed a greater role .
13 One reason is that current account flows no longer dominate the supply of and demand for currencies , and that capital transactions have assumed a greater relative importance .
14 Recent years have seen a great expansion in the number of librarians working in educational institutions and specializing in educational librarianship ; in Britain this was a later development than in the USA , but none the less the libraries of almost all colleges of education , further education and technology are now run by chartered librarians , and some five hundred or more librarians are also found in secondary schools .
15 The municipal authorities of Barcelona , who over the past few years have acquired a great deal of experience and expertise in founding and running cultural centres , have recently signed an agreement with the Fundación Salvador Allende to collaborate in setting up a museum in Santiago , Chile , to be called the Museo de la Solidaridad Salvador Allende .
16 The Stotherts have invested a great deal of time in their house .
17 Recent Conservative governments have stressed a greater concern with commitment to putting policies into practice and getting the job done .
18 Although Durkheim remains less well-known popularly than Marx , his ideas have exerted a greater formative influence in the development of anthropological ( and sociological ) theory .
19 This technique was originated by the Gestalt school , and since their early work experimental psychologists have amassed a great deal of information about which parameters influence the occurrence of apparent motion .
20 The ‘ Lucy ’ poems have received a great deal of critical attention ( see , for example , F. R. Leavis in Revaluation ) ; it is because the ‘ Matthew ’ poems are so frequently ignored that I have chosen one of them for special comment .
21 Speculation as to the causes of queues has included a greater public awareness of the CAB , growing numbers in receipt of state benefits , unemployment and the availability of credit , the rising divorce rate , and a complex legislative programme that has affected clients detrimentally .
22 The increasing ownership of telephones has created a greater inclination to get in touch with the police .
23 Lee Seung Yoon , the new head of the Economic Planning Board , Chung Yong Euy , the Finance Minister , and Park Pil Soo , the Minister for Trade and Industry , were known advocates of " growth first " expansionary measures , whereas their predecessors had laid a greater emphasis on prices and incomes management and on increased social justice .
24 Three recent significant changes have created a great opportunity to focus research on the health needs of the population .
25 I would have to say that social conditions have changed a great deal today , going back to what the first
26 Various pundits and committees have made a great mystery about gluing .
27 Would you say that things have changed a great deal from the days when you finished your drama school training at Central in 1966 ?
28 In most Western democracies in the twentieth century , legislatures have lost a great deal of ground to executive branches .
29 MIRROR Group Newspapers has joined a great new venture to save readers money .
30 While the procedures have many similarities , the differences have created a great deal of confusion , and it is for this reason that the whole of Chapter 15 is devoted to an explanation of the distinction between arbitration and expert determination .
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