Example sentences of "[noun pl] in [art] [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 But spare a thought for the Isle of Man Government 's treatment of depositors in the Savings and Investment Bank .
2 Further along the path , also on the right , are small fissures in the clints that may be passed unnoticed : one of these , Flood Entrance Pot , was the first alternative way down into Gaping Gill when the main shaft was impassable .
3 Anne was more comfortable with the married women she worked with , many of them with husbands in the Forces and with the same problems and hopes as herself .
4 This growth in the proportion of overseas equities in the portfolios and subsequent decline has been mirrored by a fall in the importance of UK company shares over 1980–1984 , but a resurgence since then at the expense of overseas securities .
5 Groups like the Welsh Language Society and the Free Wales Army were said to be training freedom fighters in the mountains and he was barracked everywhere he went .
6 Furthermore , Rumbaugh 's programme does not obviate the use of trainers to interest the animals in the keyboards and to guide their reactions .
7 Shortly afterwards , horses , chickens , birds , dogs and other animals in the arenas and the farm began to die .
8 They can move their eyes in the sockets and most see colours as we do .
9 It is , however , an unusual building in that , although it conforms to the Vladimir plan and Byzantine pattern , the architect introduced Italian fifteenth century building methods , using light bricks and tie rods in the arches and vaults .
10 It was also a vital information centre , where spies mingled with oilmen , where officials of the local security forces met heir hookers , and where the waiters brought valuable intelligence every morning from their homes in the rabbit warrens in the ghettos and barrios where few diplomats or reporters dared go .
11 Since the areas under occupation contained rich grain lands as well as the industrialised sectors of Russian Poland as it was then , the food shortages in the towns and the goods famine in the countryside were further exacerbated .
12 ‘ We 've had a few jobs recently where husbands have given their wives surprise parties in the stables or somewhere .
13 Such realities , as pressing for some heads in the suburbs as in the inner city , presented an agenda which primary orthodoxies addressed only partly , if at all .
14 in the stables we we do exactly with the lads in the stables as the jockeys do in the weighing room .
15 Eden was instantly plunged into industrial disputes in the docks and on the railways .
16 But the left still has enough supporters in the unions and the constituencies to make a lot of noise and win some votes .
17 Sainsbury 's recycles heat from the refrigeration units in the stores and uses this heat to keep stores at the correct temperature whatever the weather outside .
18 By November 1991 ( Cm. 1761 — The Next Steps Initiative ) there were 56 agencies plus 30 executive units in the Customs and Excise .
19 For most , however , the road from Andean mining towns like Potosi or Llallagua runs to the informal economy — as street traders in the cities or the coca farms and drug factories of Chapare .
20 There were cars in the streets and brash , noisy journalists crowded round hotel bars competing for sensational stories to wire to their papers .
21 It is revolutionary too in its scope , for it has implications for a whole range of academic subjects in the arts and the social sciences .
22 Secondly , Table 1.4 gives some sense of the different distribution of subjects in the universities and polytechnics/colleges .
23 Irrespective of the certainties or ambiguities in the roles that it had begun to develop , the CNAA was also — as a policy instrument — incomplete .
24 He also distributed library books to those who asked for them — although I saw few books in the cells or barracks and it was stated that few prisoners were interested in reading .
25 By the end of the Eighties there were so many library books in the shops and on market stalls ( a mediaeval phenomenon that still survives in market towns in Devon and elsewhere ) that it was clear to anyone that a new situation had arisen .
26 In the countryside , matters were no better ; the smaller shops in the villages and towns often produced insufficient income to support a family , so that the wife or daughter often looked after it while the man pursued another occupation .
27 I mean you 're talking about having computers in the offices and perhaps in the home , now this must have great impact on the future education needs of people who are going to use these devices , surely ?
28 The vote was restricted to house-holders in the towns and taxpayers in the rural areas .
29 Jethro Tull 's Ian Anderson owns about ten million acres in the borders and Roger Daltrey is a big cheese in the trout farming world .
30 The way has been cleared for renewed logging of old-growth forest in Oregon , after a Bush administration committee voted to override the provisions of the Endangered Species Act on 13 tracts of federal land covering 1,700 acres in the Coos and Douglas counties of western Oregon .
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