Example sentences of "[noun pl] in [verb] [adv prt] the " in BNC.

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1 At the moment they are prepared to work with the political parties in keeping up the momentum December generated , but it 's clear they intend to progress with their agenda whether or not the formal politicians continue to drag their feet .
2 The lack of progress was attributed partly to a delay of two weeks in setting up the joint working commissions whose task was to implement the Accord under UN auspices .
3 There , despite the identical name of ‘ collective agreements ’ , it is regarded not as an adversary process but rather as a means of ensuring the full cooperation of management and workers in carrying out the economic and social plans and improving the management of undertakings ( ILO , 1980 ) .
4 The confidence and effectiveness of individuals in acting out the roles of magistrate , priest or sovereign are enhanced by the esteem in which the precious substances embodied in the symbols of their offices are held in society at large ( Plate K ) .
5 The experiments of the last 30 years in bringing up the young have failed .
6 The town has made great strides forward working with the community and business over the past few years in cleaning up the town and making it the kind of place which is able to compete and win a national environmental accolade . ’
7 Colugos have no problems in making up the height lost when gliding .
8 A series of mechanical difficulties in setting up the car caused further problems and on Friday he had constant braking problems ; an experiment on Saturday did little to change matters for the better — Emerson finished practice in sixth place .
9 Moreover , in dealing with a phenomenon as complex as war — which produces an infinite variety of situations and is conducted by means whose technical features alter almost from year to year — there are inherent difficulties in laying down the law in the form of treaties .
10 We share your concern about the lack of professional training and accreditation but would draw your attention to the joint efforts of the Association of Police Surgeons and the Association of Chief Police Officers in setting up the Durham introductory course for police surgeons .
11 It is difficult to reject the view that he was genuinely anxious , first not to appear to profit from his own actions in bringing about the downfall of the Coalition , and second to strengthen the new Government , which he thought , probably mistakenly , that Mckenna would do .
12 Slovenia in Milk Race CYCLING : Yugoslavia , who last competed in the Milk Race 30 years ago , will be represented by the breakaway state of Slovenia , which has joined the Commonwealth of Independent States in taking up the last places in a record field of 18 teams .
13 ‘ For the purposes of this Act an appointed representative is a person — ( a ) who is employed by an authorised person ( his ‘ principal ’ ) under a contract for services which — ( i ) requires or permits him to carry on investment business to which this section applies ; and ( ii ) complies with subsections ( 4 ) and ( 5 ) below ; and ( b ) for whose activities in carrying on the whole or part of that investment business his principal has accepted responsibility in writing ; and the investment business carried on by an appointed representative as such is the investment business for which his principal has accepted responsibility .
14 ‘ For the purposes of this Act an appointed representative is a person — ( a ) who is employed by an authorised person ( his ‘ principal ’ ) under a contract for services which — ( i ) requires or permits him to carry on investment business to which this section applies ; and ( ii ) complies with subsections ( 4 ) and ( 5 ) below ; and ( b ) for whose activities in carrying on the whole or part of that investment business his principal has accepted responsibility in writing ; and the investment business carried on by an appointed representative as such is the investment business for which his principal has accepted responsibility .
15 ( 2 ) In this Act references to the members of a self-regulating organisation are references to the persons who , whether or not members of the organisation , are subject to its rules in carrying on the business in question .
16 ( 2 ) In this Act references to the members of a self-regulating organisation are references to the persons who , whether or not members of the organisation , are subject to its rules in carrying on the business in question .
17 ‘ In this Act references to the members of a self-regulating organisation are references to the persons who , whether or not members of the organisation , are subject to its rules in carrying on the business in question .
18 Under the Act the Secretary of State can differentiate between authorities in drawing up the timetable for tendering and has powers to extend tendering to other services .
19 Twisting the rotary speedbrake selector on the front left console to out enables them to be pumped out easily , while pressing the red emerg undercarriage button alongside allows the right biceps to be exercised 26 times in cranking down the wheels .
20 The growth in fundholding poses problems for negotiations and the first moves in setting up the Grampian Association of Fundholding Practices are under way .
21 He pointed out the importance that the Church has put on education from the earliest times and the duty and responsibility of local bishops to be guides and teachers in handing down the truth of Christ .
22 The only real problem with all these lies in marking out the study area for it will rarely be possible to delimit a discrete enclave of the animals .
23 Smaller employers will need to liaise very closely with colleges in working out the balance of training , college and work based assessment that will help employees to achieve vocational qualifications .
24 It then had the good fortune of lengthy bureaucratic delays in setting up the DTB in Frankfurt , which enabled LIFFE to establish a very liquid Bund contract market .
25 Mrs Thatcher also pointed to the contrast between her domestic achievements in rolling back the frontiers of the state and the prospect that if the Delors of this world have their way , power over the economy would be re-centralized in Brussels .
26 to use background and results in carrying out the Project , such use to be free unless otherwise agreed .
27 Our vision of the Christian family and the human family leads us to join with others in breaking down the barriers which separate us .
28 The Founding Fathers in drawing up the American Constitution had , after all , two aims , not one .
29 Modern scholars have tended to see the Revolution in a more conservative light , stressing the key role of the Tories in bringing about the Revolution and maintaining that the powers of the Crown were not significantly redefined in 1688 – 9 .
30 One considerable advantage is that units satisfying specified conditions can be extracted for analysis without the need to scan the whole file ; on the other hand , there are considerable overheads in setting up the database .
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