Example sentences of "[noun pl] and to the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This meant goodbye to the subsidies for the arts and to the traces of freedom for the press .
2 However , the relevance of the foregoing theory of hominid evolution does not apply only to secondary sexual characteristics and to the structure of the id .
3 Gradually , over the years , the colour of the breed became darker through mahogany to black , and there was plenty of crossing to the Hereford for its grazing characteristics and to the Ayrshire to restore milk yields .
4 She felt it fall softly down her legs and to the floor .
5 Mr Töpfer has threatened to apply a similar scheme to car manufacturers and to the makers of electronic goods , such as computers and television sets .
6 9.1.3 undertakes that it will promptly disclose to the other Parties and to the Secretary of State any facts or circumstances which come to its attention indicating or suggesting any infringement or material risk of infringement of any patent or other Intellectual Property Right of any other person not being a Party to this Agreement through the expected mode of use or exploitation of its own results or background provided always that this undertaking shall not be deemed to impose or imply any specific obligation to undertake any patent searches of intellectual property rights or make any enquiries .
7 To hammer home the political point , a large number of the two million leaflets printed were sent to the headquarters of the various political parties and to the Assemblée nationale , the French parliament building .
8 This formal order , which was signed by the President and recited his findings in relation to the two incidents , was sealed on 11 June 1992 , copies being then sent to M. 's solicitors , the solicitors for the other parties and to the governor of the prison .
9 It owed more to the boycott of the elections by the socialist parties and to the Kadets ' skilful use of the indirect electoral system which enabled them to win a disproportionate number of seats .
10 On June 4 Macierewicz ( as Interior Minister ) distributed to the chairmen of parliamentary parties and to the Speakers and Deputy Speakers of both houses sealed envelopes containing the names of 64 deputies , senators , present and former ministers and Presidential Chancellery officials who had allegedly collaborated with the Polish security services under the communist regime .
11 The CNAA has also found itself drawn into the dispute between Huddersfield Polytechnic and its local authority , Kirklees Metropolitan Council , where , in 1980 , it felt itself obliged to write to both parties : to the council stressing the need to provide more funds and to the polytechnic strongly advising it temporarily to drop its intention of introducing new courses .
12 However , although it is very likely that the British industrial revolution would have occurred without these funds , it is difficult to imagine that Britain would have achieved the kind of scale and pace of industrial development that it did without access to these funds and to the markets provided by the colonies .
13 lead naturally to a consideration of market possibilities in which there is trade and negotiation amongst few traders and to the possibility of non-market institutions .
14 In 1989 the Science Museum , with the British Computer Society , founded the Computer Conservation Society dedicated to the restoration and preservation of historic computers and to the capture of operational know-how of computing machines .
15 It is therefore necessary to become able to recognize and attach meaning to the words and to the patterns of which the sentences consist .
16 I 'd made a commitment to the Branch Secretaries and to the Representatives that there will be a full Representatives Conference of which those proposals will be debated and discussed .
17 She had moved up the shop , between the assortment of hats perched on stands and to the counter behind which the other two sisters were standing , the tall spare-looking Miss Rene and the almost diminutive Miss Florence .
18 And that 's why it 's important that there needs to be an open debate , both within the union , and there needs to be a proper flow of information from the Executive in these discussions to the branches and to the members to tell them what 's going on .
19 Denktash had been rebuked by Boutros-Ghali on Nov. 6 for being " in total opposition to all UN resolutions , to the society of nations and to the Security Council " , refusing to accept the return of refugees , insisting on two separate states and separate sovereignty , rejecting the proposed map and refusing to hand over Varosh , the Greek suburb of Famagusta , to UN administration .
20 Rather it is necessary to look at the people involved — the professionals — and understand how they relate both to their clients and to the organisations in which they work , for it is these structures that powerfully condition the primary relationships .
21 Those involved were given a basic introduction to the causes of deterioration in books and to the terminology used in their description .
22 Concern has been voiced to the Commission over the lack of a repertoire of music common both to schools and to the Church .
23 So although they also may submit it to us as part of their assessment for a project , I mean we 're at least as interested in the work being useful to the schools and to the students involved .
24 However , the matter at issue in the cases now before the court is not access by vessels of member states to fishing activities in the Community but access by nationals of member states to vessels and to the operation of vessels .
25 This attachment to the historical counties led to tighter boundaries for the metropolitan areas and to the maintenance of some boundaries which separated major urban centres from their surrounding region .
26 Overall , changes could be required to functions and to the structure as a whole .
27 Information should flow up the overseas subsidiaries and to the parent ; decisions would be decentralised .
28 Having a date accurate to within one year for a piece of timber is a pointless exercise if the relationship of that timber to other finds and to the site as a whole is unknown .
29 Specific attention is being paid to the salience of nationality in contemporary economic cognitions and to the development of a set of attitudinal questions with which to assess this .
30 And their role is now absolutely crucial , crucial to the development of a new strategy by the communists and to the revolution of nineteen forty six to forty nine .
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