Example sentences of "[noun pl] and start [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I told the others , ‘ we either write some new songs and start behaving like a proper band again or knock it on the head , this time for good ’ .
2 Fortunately , perfecting her roll was the breakthrough that gave Lesley the confidence to fight for her own to go on the top of the waves and start experimenting with hotdogging tricks .
3 ‘ I met the lads and started talking to Ferg .
4 ‘ Now , we can not afford to look beyond the return game with the Belgians and start thinking about Marseille .
5 If you are aiming to go back for a landing , only stay long enough in that thermal to get properly centred before moving off again down to 1500 feet and starting to look for the next bit of lift .
6 Then Philippa kicked off her sandals and started to pad around the room in bare feet .
7 We hope that this booklet provides you with useful information to be used as a starting point — to start thinking about the issues that HIV and AIDS may raise for us in our lives and to start talking with and listening to our lovers , families , friends and colleagues in an informed , non-judgmental way .
8 Recognising , seemingly for the first time , the needs of their overwhelmingly female labour force , health authorities introduced equal opportunity policies and started to experiment with crèches , job sharing , flexible working , stay-in-touch schemes for staff taking career breaks and much more besides .
9 But then hands of steel get hold of my ankles and start pulling at me — pulling pulling pulling .
10 Water again after a few days and start feeding in June .
11 Meanwhile thousands of Sinhalese youths responded to radio appeals and started enlisting in the Army .
12 Anyway , with Eric on his way , I did n't think it would be a good idea to start another War only to have to abandon it in the middle of things and start dealing with the real world .
13 You have a heightened awareness , which is induced by suggestions , and you can visualise problems and start to deal with them .
14 ( Ant begins to hum one of the latest hit sounds and starts to move in time to it .
15 She crashed out a few chords and started to talk to us in a different voice through her ‘ control ’ , who was ( of course ) , a Red Indian — White Cloud or Black Feet or something like that .
16 Redpath put on a pair of silk gloves and started going through the inside pocket of the jacket , following with the outside pockets .
17 SHARES in holiday groups Airtours and Owners Abroad surged as newly confident Brits shook off recession blues and started poring over travel brochures .
18 Yeah , but were you the sort of people that walk into hospitals and start praying for the sick to be healed .
19 Cos you did n't know whether they 'd had er you know had a lot to drink or had a load of drugs and start going on the rampage or something .
20 That was when they first changed over from seamed stockings to seamless ones and started laying off the skilled knitters and bringing in the women .
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