Example sentences of "[noun pl] and [vb past] up the " in BNC.

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1 Griselda opened her eyes and licked up the tear .
2 They unfolded the stiff green branches and set up the metal stand .
3 She served four months and gave up the glue .
4 After slipping the clip carefully into her anorak pocket and zipping it closed she descended the steps and scooped up the fallen FN FAL .
5 Mike Pumfrey , now back in the study with Sergeant Fenniway , put his finger to his lips and picked up the extension phone .
6 They 'd gone through its pockets and piled up the contents in a heap .
7 Most of the front row jumped to their feet and fled up the aisle away from the danger .
8 Slowly he got to his feet and picked up the newspaper .
9 Over at Robinsgrove , finding no water to hose down the ponies , Perdita put them in their boxes and , having given them their hay nets and filled up the water buckets from the water trough , raced off to Dancer 's for a swim .
10 Not giving her resolve time to weaken , she slipped off her shoes and hurtled up the alley as fast as she could go .
11 The Marshal had made a point of checking on that because although the Florentines spent a small fortune on electronic locks , bars , security doors and burglar alarms they quite open pressed the switches and opened up the lot to anybody with the wit to ring the bell and call ‘ Telegramtne ! ’
12 Party manners — Hewlett-Packard Co hosted all the COSE meetings and picked up the pizza tab ; Sun Microsystems Inc then threw a celebratory dinner for the COSE teams on April 16 , the night before the announcement : now it 's IBM Corp 's turn , unless Lou Gerstner decides to sit it out , pleading poverty .
13 Hewlett-Packard Co hosted all the COSE meetings and picked up the pizza tab .
14 He watched her as she emptied and polished the ashtray ( he did n't smoke and the smell of ash offended him ) , collected together the copies of the Laboratory plans and gathered up the strewn discarded papers .
15 Other whaling nations recognised the destruction of whale stocks and set up the International Whaling Commission in 1946 to control international whaling , Just when Japan was developing her whaling industry to full commercial efficiency .
16 He packed away the picnic things and started up the engine .
17 Where as he bought these machines and cleared up the rubbish to get at the slate .
18 And we had very clear skies and showed up the s the stars quite brilliantly .
19 They then look at that figure , break it down into separate realistic amounts achievable in various ways and set up the systems that are going to raise that cash .
20 He made a sort of ducking movement to acknowledge his orders and tipped up the nearest chair so that its burden of garments slithered to the flagstones .
21 It was then that France , after two centuries of increasing penetration by its missionaries and traders , decided to establish dominion over the Annamese lands and the separate kingdoms of Laos and Cambodia by force of arms and set up the French Indochinese Union .
22 Karajan had pitched camp with Legge and the Philharmonia in 1949 when a generous grant from the Maharaja of Mysore had stabilized the orchestra 's finances and opened up the possibility , in collaboration with EMI , of extensive recording , not only of the classic repertory but of works that caught Karajan 's and Legge 's fancy : Balakirev 's First Symphony , Roussel 's Fourth Symphony , the still formidably difficult Music for Strings , Percussion , and Celesta by Bartók , and some English music , too .
23 Tell your friends and put up the enclosed poster where it will be seen .
24 She put down her two shopping bags and picked up the shoe-polish .
25 John Hales of Coventry , a bitter opponent of enclosures , wrote in 1549 that the bulk of them had occurred before the accession of Henry VII , and the Italian historian Polydore Vergil ( probably writing about 1530 ) , said of the proceedings of 1517 , that for half a century or more previously , sheep-farming nobles had tried to find devices to increase the income of their lands , and that to this end they had destroyed dwelling-houses and filled up the land with animals .
26 OK , I often employ builders on the basis that they 've got an honest face only to find they 've nicked my buckets , added unnegotiated noughts on to their invoices and buggered up the plumbing but …
27 On Sunday 10 May 1719 three warships subjected Castle Eilean Donan to a fierce bombardment which left gaping holes in its walls and the small garrison , in their alien white and yellow uniforms , surrendered , in the most gratifying fashion , to a few boatloads of English sailors , who seized the rebels ' stores and blew up the old fortress .
28 On the second sortie he made no mistakes and shot up the route like a man with a mission .
29 At a time when Japanese cars were a joke , his faith and perseverance founded the Nissan dealerships and built up the business .
30 Brigadier Canford admired the lightning reflexes , the way she adjusted to a not-very-easy pony in seconds and showed up the others as she ruthlessly shoved them out of the way and cat-and-mouse-whipped the ball away just as they were about to hit it .
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