Example sentences of "[noun pl] and [adv] [v-ing] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 First were studies of Quaternary ecology dedicated to reconstruction of the sequence of vegetation systems in particular areas and often using palynology as a technique of central significance .
2 Thetwo models were compared in terms of efficiency in predicting outcome at six weeks ( probability of correct classification ) , in terms of goodness to fit and accuracy of adjustment of the data to the models and finally using receiver operating characteristic curves .
3 With webbed feet and long ruddering tail
4 We are of necessity constantly breaking the rules and thereby committing sin , but some kinds of offence are more disturbing than others .
5 ‘ He was drinking a lot , eating loads and still losing weight .
6 Carrick 's argument , that of the man who earns his living playing the game , would make sense anywhere but in the Ridings : without the addition of a West Indian fast bowler and the option of adding two more experienced outside players , says Carrick , the chances of his youngish team ever winning trophies and thus making money , are severely limited .
7 There is no separate support organisation : each unit has the dual function of carrying out the operations and also providing support to other units .
8 The laws about wearing hard hats and regularly inspecting scaffolding and erecting guard rails aren 's just petty bureaucracy , these precautions have saved lives .
9 The focus is placed on the user 's information needs and overall searching behaviour in order to build a conceptual framework for qualitative research on the use and evaluation of online catalogues .
10 Apart from their long walks and interminable conversations and evening singsong , or their expeditions to ancient monuments , he and Gwili and his cousins assisted with the harvest , binding sheaves and even mowing bracken with a scythe .
11 Team spirit was much in evidence though , with the fitter people helping the strugglers and always giving encouragement .
12 They 've seen the introduction of performance related pay , personal contracts , new working practices , pay freezes , pay cuts and always the fear of redundancy and all of this has been going on at a time when increasingly companies are withdrawing from national collective agreements , are establishing separate bargaining arrangements , restricting the activities of trade union officials and increasingly de-recognizing trade unions .
13 If employees are provided with detailed information packs on the proposed new area at the time of the announcement this can go a long way to answering some of their questions and thus reducing anxiety .
14 The historian , Richard Carew , Lord of East Antony and Sheviock was responsible for rallying local musters and personally supervising training .
15 Socrates had a contempt for tragedy ; yet we hear anecdotes about him helping Euripides with his plays and only watching tragedy at the theatre if there was a new play by Euripides on .
16 When plants are cleared from an ecosystem effects animals as it reduces their food resources and thereby creating competition and by sometimes cutting down their shelter and natural habitat forcing them to move to areas where they ca n't survive .
17 But his latest ‘ papal bull ’ — that is what planning guidance notes are , announcing changes and yet stressing tradition as they do — emphasises that ‘ town cramming ’ is to be frowned on .
18 Robyn 's mental image of a modern factory had derived mainly from TV commercials and documentaries : deftly edited footage of brightly coloured machines and smoothly moving assembly lines , manned by brisk operators in clean overalls , turning out motor cars or transistor radios to the accompaniment of Mozart on the sound track .
19 HOSPITALS in many parts of England and Wales may be put on ‘ red alert ’ and ban non-emergency admissions from today as the worst flu epidemic for 14 years sweeps the country , increasing admissions and seriously depleting nursing staff .
20 So it is upon his perception of trade unions operating as industrial co-operatives and thus reconstituting society as an industrial democracy , that his hero 's place depends , a perception which trade unionism was so quickly to abandon .
21 Waiters scurry to and from their cafes and tavernas , weighed down by great trays of food and drink , tripping over cats and noisily claiming right of way over passing cars .
22 About twenty to twenty five percent of the senior cl clinicians opposed the application and the percentage figure amongst other disciplines will be far higher and , as has been said , the main motivation to seek Trust status , is based upon a financial squeeze on with it 's neighbours and also seeking Trust status .
23 However , by the early 1980s some LEAs began to adopt more prescriptive approaches , insisting on school policies fostering racial equality within given time limits ( e.g. ILEA , Brent ) , prescribing aspects of headteacher behaviour to ethnic minority parents ( e.g. Bradford ) , making certain forms of racist behaviour a disciplinary offence ( e.g. Manchester ) or establishing central mechanisms to decide upon school suspensions and so removing power from Heads and Governors ( e.g. Birmingham ) .
24 It involved identifying common concerns of teachers and then producing stimulus materials to initiate and focus discussion and trigger groups working on them to devise their own plans of action .
25 However , economists judged the experiment to have been a failure , as the coupons , for a total of 12,000 million roubles , were insufficient , encouraging shopkeepers to raise prices and thus fuelling inflation .
26 ‘ The main thrust of the CAP reforms in reducing cereal prices and therefore feeding stock prices in the EC means that competition from the intensively-produced grain-based meats such as poultry and pig meat will remain intense , ’ said Dr Palmer at the Agra Europe Outlook Conference .
27 Will he also point out to those advocating such a foolish policy that they are merely diverting attention from the villainous crimes of the terrorists and , perhaps more importantly , from the enormous successes of the security forces and thus undermining confidence in the rule of law ?
28 Lucenzo rolled his eyes to the dark sky flaked with stars and softly falling snow .
29 His eyes kept looking away over one of my shoulders or the other , never meeting my gaze , and I got the impression that like his wife he was constantly waiting for something important to happen , expecting someone to arrive at any moment , as though they both could n't believe what had happened and it was all a dream or a ghastly joke and they were just waiting for Clare to come gangling through the front door , kicking off muddy green wellies and loudly demanding tea .
30 Asset backed bonds , usually secured against pools of illiquid loans , offer financial institutions a means of removing assets from their balance sheets and thus reducing capital requirements ; but such securitisation can also be seen as a tool which facilitates the separation of the loan origination and funding function of banks .
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