Example sentences of "[noun pl] and [art] [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 However , there are more significant problems in that the same kinds of organizations and the same kinds of services are often accounted for differently although they are all adopting budgetary accounting .
2 Observation of zoo animals and the few accounts from naturalists in the field suggest they are a fairly stormy procedure , consisting of mock chases , vicious swipes of the female 's paw as well as obvious kisses and caresses .
3 There were some bruised shins and sprained ankles , black eyes and a few cuts and grazes but nothing you would n't get on a rugby field , although a couple of old ladies were taken off home by ambulance with attacks of the vapours .
4 Here Blake left them , identified himself to the surprised border guards and a few days later was flown to Mosow for a triumphant reunion with the KGB .
5 A broad drive , bordered with straggling bushes and a few trees , led down to what the map showed as Stoney Piggott 's Road .
6 He said it 's a couple of cocks and a few leeks chucked in .
7 Today they have about 27,000 US outlets including department stores , drug stores , computer stores , airport shops and a few bookshops .
8 He said he mostly cruised now — although he had done several Fastnets and a few Ton-Cups some years ago .
9 Surgical exploration confirmed pancreatitis with peritoneal petechiae and a few areas of cytosteatonecrosis .
10 ‘ It 's only five years , nine months and a few days now ! ’
11 I should like to have had time to discuss such matters , but the paucity of progress made yesterday , the long speeches and the many amendments which had to be considered left the Government with no option but to move a guillotine motion today .
12 Try to depart from your model trial just sufficiently to prevent counsel using the same speeches and the same questions to witnesses .
13 The ne'er-do-wells and the many sightseers mixed with the army of law clerks carrying rolls of parchment up from the cellar known as Hell where , Sir John explained , the legal records were kept .
14 There are just two baths and the same solutions will process either film or paper in any order .
15 There are just two baths and the same solutions will process either film or paper in any order .
16 And there were other things ; saliva drooled from her lips and every few seconds she gave a retching cough .
17 Throughout the period a high percentage of workers , especially in the newly developed areas and the many enterprises set up in rural areas , were born into peasant families .
18 However , to assert that there is a very great deal remaining to be said about the mutual effects of semantics and syntax may seem a bold claim , perhaps even a surprising one , given the number of those who have worked on both areas and the many publications with titles suggesting that the two have been linked inside their covers .
19 1 A filename can be up to 8 characters long ; 2 A filename may not contain spaces and most punctuation marks , except hyphens , round brackets and a few others ; 3 A filename may be typed in using either lower or upper case letters ; 4 Every file on the same disk must have a different filename ; 5 Every file , wherever it is stored , should have a different filename .
20 Bryce , Lawler , Ethel , one of the Australians and a few others were standing at the windows gazing out .
21 It is obvious from these figures that the BDDA in its early days did not represent the deaf and dumb population , but that the Association merely brought together the elite of educated deaf-mutes with some hearing people — mainly missioners and a few others with personal interest in the spiritual and social welfare of the deaf and dumb .
22 There are now six farmsteads and a few cottages together with a number of modern bungalows .
23 Settling in , I looked out of the window and reflected on what it must have been like for the men building the Trans-Australia Railway when hundreds of navvies , using horses , camels and a few machines , battled their way across the inhospitable plain , which in winter crackles underfoot with frost while summer temperatures exceed a baking 50°C .
24 They will go through the same experiences and the same activities .
25 No more notes , he wrote , no more queries , no more space in the work of X and time in the work of Y , no more symbolism , no more allegory , no more influence of X and legacy of Y , no more background and no more foreground , no more social this and political that , no more Heidegger and no more Heisenberg , no more still life and no more portraiture , no more collage and no more frottage , no more lines and no more surfaces , no more genius and no more talent , no more creation and no more mechanical reproduction , no more African masks and no more Cycladic figures , no more clowns and no more nudes , no more museums , no more galleries , no more group shows , no more one-man shows , no more public commissions , no more prizes , no more shit and no more vomit .
26 A couple of gauze dressings covered the small twin holes either side of my spine , and all that remains today are two little scabs and a few bruises .
27 Only northeast Scotland , parts of the southern Uplands and a few areas in the southwest receive less than 10kg/S/ha a year , and in the 1970s deposition was higher .
28 A bone needle , some animal bones and a few sherds of pottery were found here .
29 Instead , I think in pictorial terms , and my aim in the book was to describe these mental images in words , with the help of familiar analogies and a few diagrams .
30 There 's a good chance that someone could go into prison in similar circumstances and the same things would happen again .
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