Example sentences of "[noun pl] and [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He was knighted in 1932 and was subsequently made a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and of the Royal Society of Edinburgh .
2 After a brief review of attempts to specify organizational characteristics and of the methodological problems they pose to the researcher , a preliminary study is reported .
3 Was it not significant that — even following the Welsh songs and with the Welsh anthem to follow — when Her Royal Highness , The Princess of Wales , was introduced to the teams before the recent Wales versus France international the first lines of God Save the Queen were marred by an outbreak of hissing and booing ?
4 Scrunch them up towards your ears and on an outward breath let them go .
5 To confirm these results , whole RNA fractions extracted from both strains and treated with 100 µg of DNAse 1 ( to eliminate DNA contamination ) were directly hybridized ( slot-blot ) with srRNA or CO III mitochondrial probes and with the nuclear probe DNA 45S ( 21 ) ( not shown ) .
6 An investigation by Allan ( 1979 ) , for instance , found that not only did the middle class have more friends , but they were also drawn from a greater variety of social settings and over a wider geographical area .
7 Of these L. terrestris , A. longa , and A. nocturna are deep burrowers and of the greatest significance in maintaining soil structure .
8 As to the amount left for food and clothing after rent and a more flexible sum for heat had been deducted , wives tended to act as the buffer against the needs of husbands and to a lesser extent children .
9 Willie gazed at the gentle way he fingered the udders and at the warm white liquid spurting down into a bucket underneath .
10 Many of the different parts of the rehabilitation programme are done in parallel , both within single treatment sessions and in the overall programme .
11 The Bank also acts as banker to overseas central banks , as well as to international organizations and to a small number of other institutions , companies and private individuals .
12 Our sole function is to provide as much information as possible to our member organizations and to the general public on the environmental , social and economic impacts of gold-mining in the north Galway and South Mayo areas .
13 Yes , Chairman I , I think members will be aware that er , we have er , always erm , enjoyed a very close relationship with Age Concern culture , and erm , they do invaluable work on behalf older people in the county , and I think like all organizations and in the changing climate , there was a need for them to er , to , to review their situation , and in , in the changing world , and I 'm pleased to say that Age Concern recognized that there was a need to er , to adjust their relationship with the County Council , primarily to enable them to , to further develop and take advantage of the funding opportunities that are available now under the new arrangements for care in the community .
14 It had a large central quadrangle entered from the south side , flanked by the offices and with the Foreign Secretary 's residence on the north side .
15 Students wishing to apply for a loan should request an Eligibility Questionnaire from one of these offices and at the same time make an appointment to obtain an Eligibility Certificate .
16 But the advent of the Nationalists , though hard to analyse , did suggest that there were votes to be won or lost , at least in Scotland and Wales , on the public 's sense of remoteness from decision-taking or its lack of knowledge of the existing degree of devolution to the Scottish and Welsh Offices and on the general confusion as to which body was responsible for what .
17 In the former case these can be referred back to the Census Offices and in the latter to the London Research Centre .
18 The ratio of long- to middle-wave cones ranges from 1.6 to 0.42 for samples from individual animals and for the total sample has a value ( 0.89 ) that does not differ significantly from unity ( ) .
19 Many kings in the past have kept collections of animals and in the 12th Century A.D. King Henry I founded the first British zoo .
20 This project has been conceived and designed by engineering staff in the Regional Council 's Department of Highways with assistance being given by ScotRail and Messrs J B Schofield and Partners in the design and construction supervision of the two bridges carrying the Edinburgh/Carstairs railway over the Sighthill Bypass and associated roadworks and in the temporary diversion of this railway .
21 But it was also an explicitly Christian spirit — unfortunate therefore for the four thousand Jews and for the tiny but now increasing numbers of Hindus , Buddhists , Muslims , and Taoists .
22 She displays more sympathy for this anti-Semitic Moses , for this religious man who is against Jews and against the Soviet system , than she does for Jews who are not religious .
23 Syria , or rather Antiochus , pollutes the Temple of Jerusalem on the eve of a final war which will give him victory over Egypt , but which will soon be followed by the deliverance of the Jews and by the Last Judgement : " And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake , some to everlasting life and some to reproaches and everlasting abhorrence " ( 12.2 ) .
24 He met her eyes and for a second time ; she smiled her shy smile at him , but his swimming head filled it with invitations .
25 The tears gathered more thickly in his eyes and in the partial darkness he imagined he saw the form of a young man standing under a dripping tree .
26 He reached the hollow of her throat , passion alarmingly evident in his half-closed eyes and in the little groans of pleasure he was giving .
27 Sam Reed had set up two of the goals and in the second half it was his cross that led to Grant 's second goal .
28 The tendency then , has been towards greater reliance upon market forces and competitive freedom ; a shift of emphasis in the way governments aim to trade-off financial sector policy goals and in the regulatory means by which these goals are to be secured .
29 He wore spectacles and behind the thick lenses his eyes were cloudy and shifted continually from side to side so you were never sure where he was looking .
30 But is n't it true , this garden has a fantastic character which makes you quite able to imagine the poets of the Renaissance strolling among these bushes and over the flowery grass ? …
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