Example sentences of "[noun pl] and [verb] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In this , insurers have to pool good and bad risks and charge a standard premium to all subscribers .
2 Organic methods have their risks and demand a great deal more work and care than conventional alternatives .
3 Sue is convinced that it 's vital for young people to be exposed as early as possible to The Arts and attain a clearer understanding of life as a professional creative person .
4 Already thronging with music students and hosting a regular series of free concerts and recitals by distinguished musicians , it will soon provide the new home for undergraduates in the fine arts and gain a new lease on life .
5 Having defined witchcraft and sorcery as intrinsically evil , anthropologists are often embarrassed when they find them employed quite openly and without moral censure : indeed in some societies in New Guinea and west Africa , people positively exult in their prowess in these occult arts and enjoy a corresponding respect .
6 In the North , in the Democratic Republic , the army shed all guerrilla characteristics and became a professional force .
7 It is wrong to think he is supposed to be telling the truth in his songs and presenting a true picture of his personality .
8 Screams and has a rapid trill .
9 The British Trust for Conservation Volunteers ' new Natural Break brochure includes over 450 opportunities to escape to some of the country 's most spectacular settings and make a real contribution to their survival .
10 She had not thought to have Ariel set her whole spine on a splint , so when , after three months , Sycorax raised herself and found her weak legs and took a few steps , her whole weight slung against Ariel on one side and Jack Elsey on the other , she was bent like a hoop and could only shuffle forward , raising her head , like a turtle poking out of its shell , to address anyone who was not actually on the floor below her .
11 She washed and dried herself between the legs and inserted a fresh tampon .
12 Springsteen circled my legs and howled a bad-tempered welcome as I opened the purple — yes , purple — envelope .
13 He then used Hairshine to even out any stray hairs and add a beautiful sheen to the finished look .
14 Men , if they are still fit on retirement , will have another fifteen years of life ahead of them , whilst women will mostly outlive their husbands and have a further twenty or more years ahead .
15 It was Sayeeda who gave me an insatiable desire to open the doors of Oman , doors which were locked to most foreigners and needed a special key .
16 Stooping shoulders and rounded back are placatory signals and imply a dangerous lack of confidence .
17 In 1939 Morgan went to France at OC2 Air Formation Signals and played a key role in organising telecommunications between the French and British forces : for this he was appointed CBE .
18 In electronics , filters are used , for example , to suppress an undesirable signal that occurs at some frequency , to extract sinusoidal signals over some particular frequency band from a wider range of sinusoidal signals and to convert a nonsinusoidal signal into a sinusoidal signal of the same period .
19 Not for the first time , the British voter has confounded the pundits and returned a shrewd , sensible verdict which should renew our respect for his discernment .
20 it 's all mass produced and they might as well not sell it to you , and send it back to the manufacturers and get a full discount .
21 A key objective since Tencel was launched has been to position it at the top end of the market , working with the best mills , converters and manufacturers and attracting a premium price for the fibre .
22 Share your gardening tips with other readers and win a 50 cash prize .
23 After the traversal program has determined the order in which links will be crossed , a printing program takes the semantic net and the paragraphs and produces a camera-ready document .
24 Accordingly , the AKT was administered during the first and last of the group sessions and constituted a straightforward method for evaluating the success of the first course objective : specifically , to increase participants ' alcohol knowledge so that future alcohol use can be more informed and therefore more prudent .
25 The only solution appeared to be to go round existing denominational organizations and to create a new body which would emphasize non-political aims and gather a following based on individuals , not denominations .
26 Membership of the League was through connections to accredited anti-semitic and pro-fascist organizations and showed a predominant middle-class bias with one-third of the audience being women .
27 The youngest of the family , John , was quite unlike his brothers and became a Spanish Merchant .
28 They were supposed to come back to the offices and do a three hour training
29 On the other hand , it seems likely that a positive function in the evolution of human society has been exercised by envy in that it maintained variations of individual behaviour within tolerable bounds and maintained a mutual bond , policed by envy and the fear of envy , between all the differentiated members of a society .
30 Until the eighteenth century settlement within the neighbouring parish of West Bromwich took the form of small groups of cottages clustered together in ‘ ends ’ around the heaths , where squatters had opportunities to graze a few animals and to build a little workshop .
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