Example sentences of "[noun pl] and [verb] [vb pp] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The International Intellectual Property Alliance ( IIPA ) has targeted seven countries for particularly egregious abuses of US copyrights and has asked the new US Trade Representative , Mickey Kauber , to designate them as ‘ Priority Foreign Countries ’ under the Special 301 provisions of the trade act .
2 Only in the republics of Central Asia and in Azerbaijan did communist parties , having changed their names to ‘ socialist ’ or ‘ national-democratic ’ parties and having supported the independence and sovereignty of their republics , retain their positions .
3 The Reich 's rearmament programme and the continued high level of subsidy to Danzig had caused a severe drain on German gold reserves and had upset the balance of payments .
4 By 1978 Britain , under Labour , was still in the EEC , the government had an incomes policy of sorts and had curbed the growth of public expenditure , and private education remained .
5 Brewers have been aware of this issue for centuries and have developed the practice of adding ‘ copper ’ hops early in the boil to provide bitterness and ‘ aroma ’ or ‘ late ’ hops towards the end of the boil for flavour .
6 They knew little about computers and had bought the discs from another counterfeiter who 's yet to be caught .
7 They knew little about computers and had bought the discs from another counterfeiter who 's yet to be caught .
8 They 'll set up an emergency centre at the home of one of the islanders and have enlisted the support of one of the world 's most prominent sea mammal vets .
9 By 1991 , the IWC scientific committee had developed a revised management procedure ( RMP ) to provide adequate safeguards and had estimated the population of Antarctic minke whale at 760,000 , well above the number needed to resume commercial whaling ( see Nature 357 , 532 ; 1992 ) .
10 Mrs Thatcher had established her environmentalist credentials in several speeches and had replaced the true-blue but ungreen Nicholas Ridley with the practically viridescent Chris Patten as Environment Secretary .
11 It has given parents and teachers much more responsibility for running their own schools and has freed the schools from the dead hand of local education bureaucracy in many places .
12 After a couple of minutes he heard the familiar clanking sound that indicated that Fagg was taking refuge in the contents of his various pockets and had commenced the process of smearing snuff all over himself and the surrounding furniture .
13 Mrs Ashton used to sing with the London-based Salvation Army Songsters and has travelled the world with them , says Mr MacConachie .
14 The Banks have totally rejected IBOA members ' concerns and have advised the Association that Extended Opening Hours are working without any difficulties .
15 He continues to hold the lease of his former premises but intends to present exhibitions there only at irregular intervals and has trimmed the list of artists whom he is able to represent accordingly .
16 The farmer whose land they had been riding on had looked up his old racing programmes and had found the Newbury card listing the horse he said Bones reminded him of .
17 By this time I had joined the Scouts and had reached the dizzy heights of Patrol Leader .
18 Susan had evidently found some coal and sticks and had lit the range ; then the heat had overcome her , and she had toppled over — and her jumper had caught fire .
19 Tennants had lived in and around the village for many generations and had served the small community as farmers , millers and blacksmiths .
20 The impact of that has been different for older and younger generations and has affected the position of each generation in relation to financial support from relatives , and also assistance with accommodation .
21 It is quite possible , he wrote , that it will lead nowhere , even when one has begun at the right time in the right spirit , or at least not at the wrong time , in the wrong spirit , with the wrong plans and having made the wrong preparations , with the wrong tools and the wrong principles , on the wrong surface and with the wrong conception .
22 Financing Transport Infrastructure : This working party has now met several times and has established the key issues it wishes to address in its final report .
23 ‘ It has accelerated progress in changing out-dated organisational attitudes and has reinforced the need for employers to treat equal opportunities as a mainstream business issue , ’ says Lady Howe .
24 But other commentators have called for the introduction of planning controls over farming operations and have branded the changes as the ‘ theft of the countryside ’ ( Shoard , 1980 ) .
25 It has obliged local authorities to sell off council houses and has reduced the importance given to municipal housing .
26 The Agaw were Hamites and had inhabited the highlands since time immemorial .
27 This was a very different impact , head-on against all but stationary horsemen , solid in their ranks and having seen the approach .
28 In addition , Lord Meston submits that the court also had ‘ rights of custody ’ in the context of the Convention , because it had made orders in the course of the cross-motions before it which indicated that it was seized of the matter and that it had not determined either the father 's or the mother 's substantive applications and had adjourned the hearing of the mother 's substantive application for custody and for leave to remove the child from the jurisdiction until a date in August .
29 FBI agents have obtained photos of Gravier and both pilots and have visited the bases of LGA , NEM and HOU where the jet refuelled .
30 It is also used in various music libraries and has influenced the development of music schedules in BC2 and DC .
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