Example sentences of "[noun pl] and [verb] [art] new " in BNC.

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1 Already thronging with music students and hosting a regular series of free concerts and recitals by distinguished musicians , it will soon provide the new home for undergraduates in the fine arts and gain a new lease on life .
2 The only solution appeared to be to go round existing denominational organizations and to create a new body which would emphasize non-political aims and gather a following based on individuals , not denominations .
3 Some of them , like some Karavas , seized available economic opportunities and joined the new élite .
4 This kind of map analysis used to be done manually ( before the advent of practical GIS ) by overlaying transparent map sheets , establishing the required spatial relationships and drawing the new map on a clean top sheet with felt pens ( McHarg 1969 ) .
5 Whereas the standards and styles set by the peer group can set highly influential markers around acceptable and unacceptable behaviours for young people it is in individual friendships that young people find support and security , negotiate their emotional independence , exchange information , put beliefs and feelings into words and develop a new and different perspective of themselves .
6 Whilst the record companies sat on their hands , nervous of another quadraphonic-style fiasco , Karajan announced after seeing the new technology as a working prototype that he would make no new recordings and sign no new contracts with any company that was not committed to digital recording and the earliest possible launch of the compact disc .
7 in pairs compare and discuss lists and compile a new agreed list ;
8 More than 100 parents and children from Abergynolwyn , Llanegryn and Llwyngwril made the 100-mile round trip to Caernarfon to show their opposition to the plan to close their schools and establish a new area school at Bryncrug .
9 When he did talk of an independent Scotland , he talked of bankers and making a new Switzerland .
10 Ekong analysed the fruits and found a new compound , xylopic acid .
11 Where political union and sovereignty are concerned , I can see no natural political affinity between the United Kingdom and Luxembourg — a country with a population smaller than Berkshire — or with Belgium , with its divided population , Holland , with its total dependence on its neighbours , or Italy , which has so much difficulty in implementing EC directives , which moralises over other people 's shortcomings and has a new Government roughly every 18 months .
12 ‘ We hope to be able to introduce a bill as soon as the legislative timetable permits and to see the new line completed around the end of the decade . ’
13 To develop adequate and growing capability requires investment in human skills and provides a new kind of barrier to the entry of more newcomers into the international system .
14 The conflict bred solidarity among Arab oil states and gave a new impetus to the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries ( OPEC ) , a cartel of the major non-US oil producers which had previously been rendered ineffective by internal divisions .
15 The plan aimed to cut the armed forces by 500,000 from the current level of 2,100,000 , to reduce overseas deployments and to establish a new organizational framework for the military .
16 Yet these men and women are well off compared to their counterparts in Ghana where subject teams had been given just nine months to produce new curriculum plans and to launch a new series of materials to fit a ‘ new content and structure of education ’ announced by the cabinet .
17 When the hybrid virus attacks and enters a new cell , it carries in that DNA .
18 A good time to examine the alternatives and find a new interest in life .
19 PRESIDENT Bill Clinton last night prepared the country for a painful package of tax increases and spending cuts , saying he was trying to ‘ change a direction of 12 years and take a new course ’ for the economy that would quickly provide half a million new jobs .
20 But the management disputes those figures and insists the new service is n't a threat .
21 FIFTEEN steps to be implemented within a month of taking office in order to reverse the Conservative health reforms and set a new direction for the NHS were outlined by Labour yesterday .
22 Plans are now in motion to stage exhibitions featuring paintings from the collection in the Museum and Art Gallery in the city centre , where they are certain to attract attention to the University 's artistic riches and forge a new link between town and gown .
23 Ramsay was shrewd enough to capitalise on his native gifts and develop a new style .
24 Robert Turton discarded these theories and propounded a new one in the Yorkshire Archaeological Journal ( 1908–9 ) .
25 In the rural areas , the ‘ civil patrols ’ have the job of hunting insurgents and controlling the new settlements .
26 The originator of the DC therefore created a new DC by copying the old one , applying the suggested modifications and submitting the new DC .
27 He discovered the theatre score in the Academy 's own library , just in time to stop the presses and make a new edition based on it .
28 The work entails regrading waste heaps , recontouring the site , planting trees and creating a new watercourse .
29 ’ But leaving Angola will be hard , leaving our Angolan friends and neighbours and starting a new life ’ , she said .
30 In cross-examination Mr. Burgess was asked why he had not accepted the deceased 's instructions and prepared a new will .
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