Example sentences of "[noun pl] of [noun sg] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 In that sea twists and clumps of phosphorescence marked the minds of other psykers .
2 Methods of manipulation include the spreading of false rumours , or buying ( or selling ) at a price that is more ( or less ) than is commercially necessary .
3 These brilliant vitreous squares of colour catch the limited rays of light from the high windows of the drum and create a shimmering effect which glows and is alive in the semi-darkness of the church .
4 Grilles in the sheer wall throwing out rods of light indicated the kitchens .
5 In the March reshuffle a total of 11 ministers and secretaries of state left the Cabinet , now reduced from 27 to 21 members as part of a streamlining process in line with an IMF and World Bank economic restructuring programme .
6 1.26 The 1988 Act requires the Secretaries of State to revise the curriculum from time to time ; we assume that NCC and CCW , among others , will advise them on this , and that such revision will include attainment targets , the allocation of statements of attainment to levels , programmes of study and methods of assessment .
7 Both in Health and Education , the new Secretaries of State have the advantage that those they have to deal with on the shopfloor , so to speak , will know that the Government 's policies are now here to stay .
8 Opportunities sometimes arise , however , for decorating objects with square or rectangular faces , or where certain considerations of function restrict the extent of possible ornament .
9 No particular experiences are linked with any particular statements in the interior of the field , except indirectly through considerations of equilibrium affecting the field as a whole .
10 Secondly , it will be examined why , granted the profit maximisation objective , the profits should accrue to the shareholders , as opposed , for example , to the employees : if considerations of efficiency underscore the shareholders ' current position of preeminence , then this may be thought to provide a justificatory foundation for shareholder rights within a public interest framework .
11 Different styles of karate perform the front kick in different ways but the effective competition front kick is common to them all .
12 The heads of department and heads of year discussed the draft report initially and a meeting of all staff with the director and principal adviser was also arranged .
13 For his part President Mitterrand reported on the steps taken in Paris last weekend by EC heads of government to bolster the crisis ridden economies of Hungary and Poland .
14 CIS Foreign Ministers met on Nov. 12 to agree an agenda for a Heads of Government meeting the following day .
15 In August 1991 , the shadow of Communist imperialism was finally lifted from Europe ; in December of that year , the EEC Heads of Government negotiated the Maastricht Treaty .
16 The 12 member country heads of government attending the Maastricht meeting had all been at the Rome summit and at Luxembourg in June 1991 [ see pp. 38295-97 ] .
17 In February 1988 the Heads of State accepted the proposed reform of the Structural Funds and doubled their appropriation , in real terms , from ECU 7 bn in 1987 to ECU 14 bn in 1993 .
18 Clearly many heads of department saw the appraisal as an opportunity to stress many of their needs in terms of resources and in many reports there was a plea for improved resources , accommodation , staffing or capitation .
19 The group of Principals and Heads of Department attending the workshop worked extremely hard and enthusiastically on some of the key issues relating to change in the context of their work at the University .
20 These Heads of Agreement represent the intentions of the parties and do not constitute a legally binding contact .
21 Appalled by this pagan tradition , the authors of Genesis converted the sensual , fertile goddess into a shameful sinner .
22 The Labour Unity Campaign Committee statement issued for " Unity Sunday " on 18 July 1937 called on " all supporters of unity to put the utmost energy into the work of rousing the Labour Party membership to the need for immediate struggle for the demands listed in the programme and to lead the revival campaign by their example of practical work " .
23 This form of socialism , based upon the accountability of the state to society rather than vice versa , would take a long time to develop , but it was this form of socialism that supporters of perestroika hoped the Party Conference would develop further — as indeed it did .
24 Supporters of integration emphasized the benefits of pooled expertise , a joint diplomatic service and the need for a joint trade strategy to maintain market share , especially for their exports of bananas , in the trading blocs currently forming in the world , and particularly in dealings with the European Communities .
25 Depression of the plunger delivers two units of insulin obviating the need for drawing up and simplifying the procedure for when patients are out and about .
26 Thus transactions between residents of two countries each using its own units of account necessitates the exchange of one for another .
27 Both assume that existing social constructions of normality define the goal to which people with learning difficulties must aspire ; both define and understand the ‘ problems of mentally handicapped ’ people in such a way as to indicate clearly the impossibility of ever achieving that goal ( the best hope being to build up patterns of skills which approximate to ‘ normal ’ behaviour ) ; and both create a professional/client relationship which enshrines the professional in a world of exclusive and privileged knowledge , and consequently entombs the individual with learning difficulties in a fundamentally dependent role .
28 Do you think that was an attitude to that was erm unique to nursing at the time or do you think erm that possibly girls in other walks of life had the same kind of experience of discipline and demands on them ?
29 The bureaucrats ' control of appointments in all walks of life increases the dependence of their clients and followers on them for access to social wealth , thereby reinforcing their power base .
30 An application by the Uttar Pradesh government in October 1991 to acquire 2.77 acres of land adjoining the mosque , which had been allowed by a court in Lucknow [ see p. 38532 ] was rejected by the Supreme Court on Dec. 11 .
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