Example sentences of "[noun pl] of [adv] [n mass] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Farmers , the second largest car insurer in the state , had previously sought a 5.9 per cent increase to offset projected losses of about $100m on high-risk drivers .
2 The outfit has moved from losses of around £1.7m in calendar year 1991 , to an as-yet unfinalised figure in the black — which should be well in excess of £1m — for 1992 .
3 With funds of about £150,000 from the district and regional councils and a similar amount from the private sector , the event ‘ just about breaks even ’ each year , a spokesman said .
4 A six months subscription costs just £20 , one year £38 and two years only £70 — savings of over 50% on the cover price .
5 They are typically fine-boned and long-lived , and the cows average 122cm at the withers and 400kg , with milk yields of about 4,700kg at 6.25 per cent butterfat ( more than 7 per cent in some cases ) .
6 Persian and Turkish terms respectively ( meaning cushion ) , applied to small bedside rugs of about 3′ by 2′ ( 0.91 × 0.61 m ) .
7 Turnouts of over 50% in individual wards were almost commonplace , and in only one ward throughout the metropolitan areas ( Elswick , Newcastle upon Tyne ) did fewer than one in three of the electorate go to the polls .
8 Some plans have minimum lump-sum investments of just £300 to £500 , while Prosperity ( phone 0800 521546 ) offers the regular savings scheme with the lowest monthly subscription I have come across at just £10 a month .
9 The government sets the local price of petrol absurdly low while imposing taxes of over 80% on the company 's revenues .
10 Households with income in the middle 20% pay direct taxes of around 22% of their earnings , and receive cash benefits worth 16% .
11 This Consolidated Fund revenue ( 169.8bn ) , together with Social Security receipts ( 38.7bn ) , local authority and business rates ( some 14.1bn ) and the community charge ( 8.0bn ) plus other miscellaneous receipts , including those from privatization , are necessary to pay for the government 's expenditure plans of around 258bn in 1992/93 .
12 In fact , most industrial countries passed this figure over twenty-five years ago , with tax ratios of over 40% for some countries in the 1970s , yet they experienced low inflation and rapid growth of real incomes .
13 Position the pieces leaving gaps of about 18mm between each .
14 The narrowing on its own was unlikely however to reduce speeds significantly , so pinch points were placed at intervals of about 50m along the road .
15 Figures are presented for Surrey , with the lowest GRE per head of any Authority , for three Authorities with fairly high assessed expenditure needs of around £500 per head ( Cleveland , Knowsley and Waltham Forest ) , and for two Authorities with among the highest of all assessed needs , at about £675 ( Hackney and Westminster ) .
16 The idea was to persuade 1,000 ‘ rich radicals ’ with incomes of over £12,000 per year ( the Walsh criterion for being rich ) to put up £1,000 each .
17 When , in a major exercise , Rank Xerox switched a number of specialised staff to operating as teleworking freelance consultants ( involving setup costs of just £1,300 per head and achieving savings in office expenses of £17,500 per worker in the first year of operation ) , sending instructions by electronic mail was not enough : a ‘ gossip line ’ was introduced so that they could keep up on office news .
18 Mr Whittingham added that a 10,000 sq ft building should sell for around £360,000 , equating to his development costs of nearly £36 per sq ft .
19 As the cartridge is £17 , this gives a costs of about 8p per page .
20 There has been a consistent increase in the number of well qualified applicants of about 30% to the Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine , and we are able to admit only one in 18 applicants .
21 The company is predicted to turn in figures of around $85m for its years to June .
22 Averages of over 140p per kg are hard to ignore .
23 The two major volcanoes , Mauna Loa and Mauna Kea , have attained elevations of over 4000m above sea level , but they rise more than 9000 m from the floor of the Pacific Ocean from a base well in excess of 200 km across ( Fig. 5.12 ) .
24 Leeds Permanent Building Society 's First-time Buyer Mortgage charges a discounted rate for the first 12 months of 8.95% ( 11% APR ) for loans up to 90% of value or 9.45% ( 11.2% APR ) on loans of over 90% to 95% of value .
25 The national Down syndrome cytogenetic register is thought to contain details of over 95% of cases of Down 's syndrome in England and Wales .
26 Gastric carcinoma is a chemosensitive tumour and early reports showed response rates of over 20% for adriamycin , cisplatin , 5-fluorouracil , and mitomycin C given as single agents .
27 These reports indicate concordance rates of over 50% for monozygotic twin pairs compared with under 10% for dizygotic twins .
28 However it was broken down into sub-categories and these revealed non-completion rates of around 25% for those entering with ONC/OND or with no qualifications compared with a 15% non-completion rate for those with ‘ standard ’ qualifications .
29 Served up as B fodder , at least it provided him with a salary , albeit on rock-bottom union rates of around $300 for a full working week , which assured him a place barely above the poverty line .
30 Last year Price 's made profits of just £250,000 on sales of £5 million .
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