Example sentences of "[noun pl] of [verb] up a " in BNC.

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1 Furthermore , they argued — with little effect — NIH was hard pressed for cash , and the costs of setting up a new institute would almost surely come out of the research budget .
2 The costs of setting up a manufacturing subsidiary might be prohibitive or the foreign country might be politically unstable .
3 The benefits and disadvantages of putting up a spokesman or providing filming facilities should be weighed with care and the validity of the company or client 's position in relation to the topic must be discussed with senior management .
4 The second is any child under the age of about five , who is unlikely to be able to concentrate for the necessary time — although it must be said that older children probably make the best subjects of all , as they are still at the stage where their imagination is in good working order and they have not become weighed down by the need to earn a living or the problems of bringing up a family .
5 Another factor driving women to the bottle is that more and more are having to cope with the problems of bringing up a child alone .
6 Difficulties of setting up a system of rewards that is directly linked to performance appraisal and the achievement of objectives .
7 It was stressed that full time staff were needed for old people , especially in terms of building up a relationship with the old people which would mean that the help would be more efficient and effective .
8 But there are two ways of blowing up a balloon .
9 As well as explaining the financial challenges of starting up a new business , Sue makes sure her students have thought through the effect it will have on their lives .
10 On Sept. 21 the Pristina district court announced that six former Kosovo government ministers , including the last Prime Minister Jusuf Zejnulahu , together with former Pristina television and radio head Agim Malja , were under criminal investigated on charges of setting up a separatist group with the aim of proclaiming Kosovo a republic .
11 ‘ How 's Angharad ? ’ asked Betty , who had , last night , discussed at length with Elizabeth the problems and frustrations of bringing up a defective child and felt thus freed to go on talking about it .
12 THE benefits of splitting up a business were demonstrated when Racal Electronics reported trebled annual profits .
13 The case centres around a Mr X , accused with several others of setting up a bogus merchant bank used to conduct fraudulent transactions .
14 The chances of picking up a smaller prize are much greater .
15 Skiing in November is not unheard of in Scotland : last year it snowed heavily in the west Highlands in October but the warmer weather in December and January put paid to any hopes of building up a decent depth of snow pack .
16 Here , parents may provide valuable financial assistance to their married children in the early stages of their family life-cycle , when the head of the household is beginning a career , and when the young couples are faced with the initial expenses of setting up a home and providing for young children ( Bell , 1968 ) .
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