Example sentences of "[noun pl] be for [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Their proposals are for a traffic-calming ramp or similar device , or even just a sign reminding drivers of the speed limit .
2 The next steps are for the successful candidates to take .
3 Of course , the pictures are for the young readers — or are they ?
4 SE claimed that the cylinders were for an Iraqi petrochemical project and that their export had been approved by the UK 's Department of Trade and Industry ( DTI ) .
5 The most frequent plea we hear from readers is for a no-fuss dinner-party menu .
6 One of their demands was for a phased release of internees .
7 Demands for licences grew steadily during the fourteenth century , but endowment of the religious orders never regained its earlier level , and alienations were increasingly directed to the establishment of chantries and secular institutions ; by mid-century almost as many licences were for the secular as for the religious churches , but this has more to do with declining enthusiasm for the vastly endowed monastic orders and the growing popular appeal of the mendicants who lived from alms , and not from farming extensive estates .
8 Helmets and unbelted tunics were for the despised ‘ county men ’ , ‘ those sheep-dippers up the road in the sticks ’ whom we continually used to reassert our own status by looking on them as ‘ hicksville country cousins ’ and definitely not ‘ real polises ’ .
9 An interpreter said later : ‘ The prayers were for the Royal Family and the prince and princess themselves .
10 Plain hospital beds with flock mattresses laid on interlaced wire springs were for the junior members of the staff .
11 Rather , this chapter asks what the implications are for the administrative system , should a state develop corporatist tendencies .
12 The appointments are for a fixed term of 12–18 months on the first instance .
13 His responsibilities were for a single grey pony bound for a Kuwaiti Sheikh .
14 These ‘ composite ’ boats were for the Grand Union Canal Carrying Company .
15 Quite why food and diet have become of such interest in recent years is for the social historian to discuss , but there is no doubt about the present popularity of culinary herbs .
16 Thus , the Manpower Services Commission ( MSC ) stated in 1985 that ‘ the best assumption for planning purposes is for a continuing high level of unemployment throughout the period ( 1985–89 ) and for a level of long-term unemployment remaining at around the one million mark . ’
17 Tobacco accounts for ‘ little more than 1% of the $50bn ( £28.9bn. ) spent on advertising in the EC in 1990 ’ ( Financial Times , 20.5.91 ) and advertising industry forecasts are for a strong rise in total advertising expenditure throughout the EC , so that the removal of tobacco advertising can be absorbed easily .
18 ( Note that these figures are for a hypothetical population with the life history given by a , not for the life history as it was while the lines were selected . )
19 The figures are for a single person for the session 1993–94 .
20 These figures were for the cold season ; the second half will be much better .
21 Although the suggestions are for a specific piece of video , they have been selected because the ideas are transferable to other materials .
22 Would not the worst thing that could possibly happen for any of our constituents or patients be for the Labour party to come to power and abolish competitive tendering ?
23 This does not show up in the household statistics because many of these stays were for a brief few months right at the end of life .
24 The escort girls are for the rich man who does not want the bother of leaving his hotel-room if the need gets too strong . ’
25 And the new tears were for the absolute tenderness she had seen in his eyes .
26 Prescriptives is for the contemporary woman who demands the same high standards from her beauty products as she expects from her wardrobe .
27 The association had also identified very clearly in its submissions to the Labour Court that , whereas its long term aspirations were encapsulated in the original claim , the immediate requirement for our Bank Assistant members is for a real and reasonable increase in pay to meet the urgent needs of today .
28 So far as the privately rented sector was concerned , the government 's proposals were for the automatic decontrol of all dwellings with a rateable value over £40 in London and over £30 in the rest of England and Wales .
29 Also known as self-certified loans , these mortgages are for the self-employed , or those who , for one reason or another , can not supply an employer 's reference .
30 Their average earnings have stayed at two-thirds of men 's for the past decade , with employers segregating the sexes in job grades , said the commission .
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