Example sentences of "[noun pl] be a [adj] part " in BNC.

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1 Contemporary objects are a significant part of that collection .
2 Others might call it drinking , smoking , eating , and taking the piss out of each other , but to these lads , these activities are a vital part of the job .
3 The unit 's general manager , John Mullen said : ‘ These meetings are a key part of the process .
4 The sanctions which enforce norms are a major part of the mechanisms of social control which are concerned with maintaining order in society .
5 Sore knees were a small part of her penance .
6 Construction of suitable measurement scales for latent variables is a vital part of basic social research and a necessary step in the exploration of relationships between them .
7 ‘ Clinical trials are a vital part of modern medicine .
8 Legal rights and duties are a familiar part of our legal scene ; you might therefore be surprised that anyone would propose pragmatism as an eligible interpretation of our present practice .
9 The discovery of sign suffix effects is a further part of the jigsaw of sign processing effects .
10 Our response to their lives was a greater part disbelief than compassion .
11 Judgements are a crucial part of knowledge , learning and any educational process .
12 Surviving on imported pasta and freshly baked pizza , the Italians are a crucial part of the United Nations operation that has the job of maintaining the peace and running elections in a country emerging from 16 years of civil war .
13 My taste in decor does not agree with that of my fish , but I believe plants are a vital part of any aquarium .
14 Reviews are a necessary part of the conduct of the case .
15 His woodlands were a valuable part of the economy of his estate .
16 The author states : ‘ It is beyond any doubt that helping patients to meet their spiritual needs is a fundamental part of holistic care . ’
17 Experiments are a crucial part of archaeological interpretation .
18 Firstly , because in some contexts such portrayals are a necessary part of the work of art , and serve to furnish pupils with a valuable opportunity to learn about the notion of contextualization .
19 Managers need to appreciate that house officers are a vital part of the service they provide and an asset that should be protected .
20 These scratching actions are a crucial part of the cleaning routine , getting rid of skin irritations , dislodging dead hairs and combing out tangles in the fur .
21 15 years ago MOVIES were a major part of the schedules although the film of Up Pompeii starring Frankie ( Please yourself , missus ) Howerd was on back where it started on the small screen .
22 The followers say the exhiliration and the spectacle of horse and hounds is a vital part of country life , providing jobs and helping with the management of the countryside .
23 Investing in human resources is a fundamental part of that process too .
24 Hedges and trees are a normal part of the countryside .
25 Skill centres are a key part of the provision in any sector , but the Government have privatised them .
26 It may have to be accepted that recurrent brief admissions are a necessary part of the long-term care of such a patient .
27 Non-domestic rates are a substantial part of business taxation in the United Kingdom .
28 The goal is to improve relations , although racial stereotypes are a crucial part of the game .
29 Barns were a vital part of the economy in the corn areas , a focus of much of the work .
30 When gifts and gratuities were a normal part of official incomes the line between the acceptable and the reprehensible was hard to draw .
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