Example sentences of "[noun pl] be [vb pp] so [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The Brazilian Ministry of Health reported last week that 15 of the country 's 27 states are affected so far .
2 Certainly it is the only Egyptian village I know where the houses are placed so far apart .
3 Yet it remains that , for the first time in 15 years and since the controversy over abortion , opinions are divided so haphazardly that traditional political alliances have ceased to operate .
4 Many examples of animal behaviour can be seen as evidence supporting the assertion , ‘ Animals are designed so as best to fulfil the function for which they were intended ’ .
5 Experience at the Birmingham Money Advice Centre ( see Appendix III ) shows that — at least for the generally poor people who go to the Centre with money problems — mail order , check traders and other weekly callers such as tallymen are woven so closely into the fabric of daily ( or rather weekly ) life as to be more than just a possible buying choice .
6 Certain English words are shortened so severely ( usually to a single phoneme ) and so consistently that they are represented differently in informal writing , e.g. ‘ it is ’ — ‘ it 's ’ ; ‘ we have ’ — ‘ we 've ’ ; ‘ do not ’ — ‘ do n't ’ .
7 Not only that , but because the Davis Cup ties were scheduled so soon after the Australian Open , there was no time for Holland 's Richard Krajicek , or Germany 's Michael Stich to recover in time from injuries to take part .
8 He was trying to exorcise the wave of desire which had swept over him when McAllister 's blue-black eyes were fixed so earnestly on him .
9 Blake and King begin to complain to each other that they are now wasting their time , since matters are settled so far as they are concerned .
10 This suggests that the feeling of difficulty may be strongest with people whose incomes are stretched so tightly that they have to use credit for some needed purchases which they could not afford otherwise .
11 Places on the workshops are limited so please apply Now by sending your cheque/postal order and the booking form opposite indicating which of the workshops you would like to attend .
12 On the contrary , ‘ few things are regarded so cheaply as an animal 's life …
13 so all of these things are put so finally
14 Batteries are held so firmly that good contact is maintained even if the female terminals splay .
15 ‘ The club scene in the North is n't too healthy because the players are spread so thinly but there are still plenty of good ones about , ’ he said .
16 The reminders of the V-Force will live on for a while yet until the Victors are retired so perhaps we will see more of this not unimpressive aircraft in 1993 .
17 Yet if this were indeed the law , then surely the Act must have had as its object something of greater moment than the nudie magazines and nude pamphlets which British juries were asked so regularly to assess for depravity .
18 Not all fathers or mothers were converted so easily from tyranny to benevolence , but , by the 1740s , a new attitude to children was spreading steadily among the middle and upper classes .
19 Women 's hairstyles were copied so rapidly that , for the modern historian , they provide a good indication of the date of a portrait .
20 The most powerful were imprisoned ; traitors were beheaded and Catholic landowners like the Roscarrocks were fined so heavily that they were forced to sell property and make do with fewer and fewer servants .
21 Although she had been seen at the school less frequently over the past few years , rehearsals and contracts were organized so smoothly that the dancers had not noticed her gradual disappearance .
22 His expression was inscrutable , but his hands were clenched so tightly into fists that Meredith marvelled at the man 's ability to keep the muscles of his face so impassive .
23 In Village Number Three , where five hundred coolies were quartered , the men were packed so tight in their barracks that many of them slept and dozed seated upright .
24 The children were wedged so tightly that it was difficult to move .
25 No wonder women are treated so badly in the world when even an organisation such as Amnesty judges them in terms of their lives only meaning something if they can ‘ belong ’ to a man .
26 The services were cut so drastically that at the time no one in their right mind would have forecast that they would become so bad .
27 The long-established Manx cat is certainly as abnormal as any of them , with its strangely abbreviated backbone and the problems this causes , but its presence at cat shows was accepted so long ago that nobody now objects to its inclusion .
28 When those hopes are dashed so soon , not only by a cruel foreign king , but by God 's own people , then the story turns to bleak tragedy , and becomes unbearable .
29 Since the unions were tied so closely to the Labour Party , this was important for the party 's standing in the election .
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