Example sentences of "[noun pl] be [verb] something [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Said Professor Hoskins of the University of Reading : " We know that human activities are doing something to the system but computer models are too crude at present to predict what will happen . "
2 The dichotomy between the ‘ British ’ and ‘ Scottish ’ Labour parties is becoming something of a cause celebre is it not ?
3 At the same time , this division is so entrenched in our education system that a student who wishes to cross the cultural boundary and study both areas is considered something of an oddity .
4 Twin humbucker guitars are enjoying something of a rebirth at present , thanks mainly to the players who are treading that particular path ( I 'm thinking of Nuno , Satriani & co ) and having played Strat derivatives for so long , it 's easy to forget just how good a neck humbucker sounds at full throttle .
5 But that 's exactly what 's happened and now fed up villagers are doing something about it .
6 Under the presiding genius of Roger , bishop of Salisbury , Henry 's most brilliant administrator — said to have been first chosen as chaplain by Henry ( whose tastes were different from the Confessor 's ) for the speed with which he could finish his mass — the English financial departments were achieving something of the efficiency and maturity of their Sicilian counterparts .
7 This breaching of the formally ‘ arm's-length ’ or contractual relationship has tended to undermine the supposed managerial independence of the enterprise ; in the graphic words of Johnson ( 1978 : 128 ) , there were ‘ grounds for suspecting that the public corporations were becoming something like tenants in the great ramshackle mansion of central government administration ’ .
8 Maybe the Russians were screening something from him ; he could only presume that they were .
9 What gave me a thrill — why , outside the low door , two men were unloading something from a cart ; it was the carcass of a bear !
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