Example sentences of "[noun pl] be [verb] the [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 POLICE and fire brigade experts are investigating the second blaze in a fortnight at a farm on the Mulgrave estate near Whitby .
2 ‘ Celtic fans are celebrating the 25th anniversary of the club 's European Cup triumphs and will be looking for more success .
3 As journalists were given the first glimpse inside the mall on Wednesday , managers from developer Burton Property Trust geared up for a major marketing exercise .
4 In August it was announced that all first-year Beijing University students would undergo a year of military and political training , while two other top universities were to devote the first five weeks of the new term to the study of documents issued by the central authorities on the " truth " about the " counter-revolutionary rebellion " .
5 In April 1945 , as the partisans and Allies were freeing the last parts of northern Italy , Mussolini was smuggled out of Milan by the Germans .
6 When a total quantity of Q l films is purchased the last film yields exactly P 1 pounds worth of extra utility to consumers .
7 When customers buy on sunny days and then change their minds when the goods are delivered the next day , a rainy day , goods are returned frequently in wet plastic sheets .
8 Two officers are examining the first floor right now ; there is some ivy . ’
9 Another of Gran 's memories was witnessing the last public hanging in Salisbury when she was twelve .
10 IT is unbelievable that in 1970 , during our formative years , only 30 undergraduates were awarded the first general degree of the University , at a ceremony in Pathfoot .
11 So sixteen to the three quarters is find the fourth root and cube it or if you like cube sixteen and then find the fourth root .
12 By enabling IBM Cobol/VSAM CICS applications to run on Unix systems , says Crawford , users are offered the first easy step in moving off their proprietary mainframes ; he reckons Unikix facilitates 200–600% long-term cost-of-ownership savings for a typical customer .
13 El País reported that " a dozen " Nahda leaders were detained the next day .
14 With a ground capacity of 6,000 , the intention is to make it an all-ticket match , with members being given the first option .
15 Her plans were overthrown the first day when the president requested that she should be chaplain .
16 By the end of the eighteenth century , the seaside resorts were undergoing the first stages of the process that was to transform the seaside holiday from an exclusive upper-class recreation into a national institution .
17 At least half the fund 's assets could end up going to the Treasury — a move which pensioners are calling the second Great Train Robbery .
18 The police were called the next day .
19 She had brought a case for legal compensation for her dead children 's lives and for her own suffering and one of her few recorded public utterances was to call the first offer of compensation " pitiful " .
20 It said : ‘ I 'm so sorry to send a hired car but the first eleven foremen are playing the first eleven chauffeurs and there 's no-one else to drive you ’ . ’
21 The open days free to unwaged people ; £2.50 to others are to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the opening of Durham Street , which was the first community recording studio in the country .
22 One of the earliest projects was to create the first out-patient clinic at St Stephen 's Hospital in London .
23 Iida 's remains were buried the next day .
24 The formal US indictments were issued the next day .
25 If the Tories were to form the next government then Chris Patten would be found a seat , if necessary .
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