Example sentences of "[noun pl] we [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Our arguments are based not only on our national interest but on the risks we perceive to the competitive position of the Community as a whole .
2 In their two contrasting styles we return to the main theme of this chapter : boyo Neil 's communicating style emphasising ‘ commonality ’ ; and the formal prime ministerial Margaret Thatcher style emphasising ‘ control ’ .
3 In many respects we act in the shoes of solicitors and legal advisers because we have gained great experience in dealing with these matters .
4 ‘ We checked my symptoms in some of the six or so books we had on the subject of birth , but none of them matched up with what I was feeling .
5 We tend to regard the Middle East as a ‘ trouble spot ’ and our understanding of the region and its culture is limited by the stereotyped images we receive through the media .
6 we , I 've had when we go down , on Thursdays we go to the sports hall sometimes if it 's wet and erm we 're to erm do things the teachers and I er , have tried a bit of basketball but I ai n't got it into
7 Also , the stereotyped aspects we recognize in a problem situation depend upon how we look , which in turn is based upon our personal belief and value systems .
8 Sometimes we come very close to the world outside , for example when we hear someone say the words we need for a piece of writing we 're involved in we commit it lovingly to memory so we can use it .
9 Newspaper , radio and television reports are intimately involved in the formation of our images of the places beyond our immediate experience , and the pictures we form of the places featured in our study are no exception .
10 ‘ We have a clear groupwide strategy to establish a sound financial business with the capacity for future investment in the many exploration and development opportunities we have around the world .
11 Table 10.4 examines each of the sectors we identified at the beginning of the appendix .
12 He also has the rather unenviable job of being the go-between between the leadership and us , which means he has to tell us any things which ‘ are not done ’ ( for example that I ill-advisedly introduced Confucius into one of my examples ) , and also has to clear any demands we make with the leadership .
13 It is impossible to describe all the uplifting and thought-provoking sessions we had at the Farm , but an especially wonderful experience for me was the fantasy meditation .
14 As for NME 's opinion of her work , you should know how much we love Madonna by how much we love Ice-T , Suede and all the other insolent wasters we praise to the hilt each week .
15 They are like the metaphorical gender attributions we examined at the beginning of this chapter , in that they follow no single principle , they do not remain constant from one context to another and they vary from culture to culture .
16 The responses we received to the consultation document were considered carefully and my officials discussed the issues raised with the auditing practices board and with other interested parties in the regulated sectors .
17 The noises we hear about the need to extend the war aims are mainly excuses for not knowing quite how to get Saddam out of Kuwait without exposing allied soldiers to Iraqi machine guns .
18 The manual is not only one of the most interesting documents to come out of the Sultanate , it is also one of the most precious keys we have to the concerns that meant most to the war-obsessed amirs of Tughluk Delhi .
19 An illustration of this can be found in cross-examination of a defendant in one of the trials we considered in the court files : Prosecutor : Why did n't you ask her if she was prepared to have intercourse with you ?
20 erm The other parts of the job are that we do erm all of the fundamental and much of the applied research which the nation needs , we provide an increasing range of advanced courses in technology for people in industry , and continuing education generally , the number of mature students at all levels is rising , and there are a number of other service functions we do for the community as well as just teaching undergraduates .
21 As it turned out , we only once failed to find wild cocoa in all the areas we visited throughout the region .
22 ‘ No , I was only thinking about all those prayers we say for the conversion of China .
23 A testing ground with other women in which the moments of assertion were not always secure , in which women attacked and were attacked , in which in an inverted way we both used the consciousness-raising groups to assert a new independence , a new self-determination , and at the same time to express the unarticulated tensions we felt in the other areas of our lives .
24 The errors we made in the 1960s and 1970s can , and are , being corrected .
25 I forgot to say that on the way to the hot springs we stopped at a neolithic site where they have excavated and reconstructed the life of the people living there 6,000 years ago .
26 For example , when we say ‘ genes are trying to increase their numbers in future gene pools ’ , what we really mean is ‘ those genes that behave in such a way as to increase their numbers in future gene pools tend to be the genes whose effects we see in the world ’ .
27 thanks Mrs Grundy for the cakes we ate in the interval …
28 At the outset , it can be asserted the Young Conservatives we studied in no way constituted an ideological group like the Young Socialists .
29 Most of the wounds we see in the A&E department are in otherwise fit young individuals and will heal with or without intervention .
30 If in past decades we waited for the telegram to arrive , it did not lessen the shock , but it did prepare us for the event .
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