Example sentences of "[noun pl] at [art] time when " in BNC.

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1 The alienation of king and archbishop gave added significance to long-standing grievances at a time when by protecting Eardwulf 's enemies the archbishop was allying himself against the king .
2 Another aspect of the disregard for the feelings of the unemployed was the reduction in the number of mainstream staff in DSS offices at a time when the number of claimants was rising .
3 Cash 's considered the houses to be ideal homes at a time when textile workers were suffering hardships everywhere , and machine-breaking had been widespread in the Midlands and the North .
4 But the meeting will also be seen as a further strengthening of Anglo-Irish ties at a time when the governments in London and Dublin are trying to start new talks aimed at finding a political solution in Ulster .
5 As they involved a great deal of the same work to bring them into effect — work that would have taken a considerable time — and would have imposed further contingent or actual liabilities on funds at a time when there was already considerable anxiety because of the uncertainty over the Barber judgment —
6 Inevitably there were problems of intra- and inter-institutional conflict and jealousies at a time when three tiers of administration — the city , the county and central government — were all involved .
7 We talked about having some fun with cars at a time when I was beginning to think the two were no longer synonymous .
8 By the late 1960s the emphasis of government policy was on the creation of new irrigation complexes , covering an additional million acres at a time when Gezira was experiencing major problems of productivity .
9 There was little hope for political enlightenment in the provinces at a time when the number of literary centres and of those attending them fell to one-tenth of what they had risen to in 1921 .
10 But the accepted value of the solar radius , 959–63 seconds of arc , is based on 19th-century observations , and became enshrined in the text books at a time when the Sun was close to a minimum of the 76-year cycle .
11 All this is in marked contrast to the US , where , ironically , anti-insider dealing legislation was first put onto the statute books at a time when the universal banking model was being abandoned there because it was considered too risky .
12 Although this approach has much to commend in terms of logic and rationality , by requiring justification of every activity and expenditure item it places an enormous workload on schools at a time when they are already overwhelmed .
13 Colleges and Catholic schools at a time when both are increasingly aware of the need to co-operate more closely with each other .
14 Grant applications have to be made to the EC , the Rural Development Commission and the Department of the Environment , with approvals taking months at a time when speed is of the essence .
15 For example , one can calculate the probability that the universe is expanding at nearly the same rate in all different directions at a time when the density of the universe has its present value .
16 There had been visits by the Royal couple to several foreign countries also , including Communist countries at a time when there existed grave doubts about relationships with those countries .
17 The document expressed great concern that Wilson had been strongly pro-Israel when prime minister from 1964–70 and that his return to office would sour relations with the Arabs at a time when the international oil crisis was acute .
18 His fame is odder still when you consider this : Hoover was chasing small-time hoods at a time when organised crime was building an empire on Prohibition and its consequences .
19 He staged a counter-attack which brought him back into power in 1769 , but at the price of a financial disaster from which he never recovered ; money was borrowed to buy shares with which to create votes for the election of directors at a time when the value of the Company 's stock collapsed .
20 He joins that elite group of Town stalwarts at a time when his future is uncertain .
21 Eastern Europe must try to maintain satisfactory levels of exports to the West in order to service its debt obligations there and satisfy domestic needs at a time when it is being pressed to greatly increase exports of manufactures to the Soviet Union to pay for increasingly costly imports .
22 Many of the other budget measures left oil companies confused about the overall impact on their revenues at a time when oil industry funding is under pressure from sluggish international prices .
23 ‘ And Sara would take David for days at a time when I was busy in the pottery …
24 This is consistent with observations of Schulles et al on fetal sheep in which gastrin has been detected in the gastric juices at a time when the intragastric acidity is low .
25 The five death sentences , delivered on June 27 , had provoked protests at a time when the Tunisian government was already countering accusations of illegal detentions and torture in its May-June crackdown against the Nahda movement [ see p. 38215 ] .
26 Between 1980/81 and 1982/83 the freezing of university places at a time when the cohort of 18-year-olds was increasing led to an increase in entry standards as measured by average A-level performance .
27 Unless they can be guaranteed a post , they will consider alternatives at a time when they probably need to be free of distractions from their studies and may commit themselves to another job unnecessarily .
28 It will be essential for the Scottish Secretary to convince the Treasury that council reform will not lead to extra costs at a time when the Government is anxious to reduce public expenditure and its borrowing debts .
29 Despite the jokes about it , the Bishop 's Castle Railway served the town and the district well for seventy years at a time when transport ( rapid by the standards of the day ) was becoming ever more important .
30 Asked if he accepted Mr Hume 's word , Mr Trimble replied : ‘ I think a very serious question-mark — I am sorry to say — has to be placed against Mr Hume 's motives , because he is persisting in talking to republican paramilitaries at a time when other people are anxious to see positive dialogue taking place . ’
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