Example sentences of "[noun pl] [Wh pn] [verb] been [adj] " in BNC.

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1 However , those who have exhausted their rights to Unemployment Benefit , in other words who have been unemployed for longer than one year , have to work for at least 13 weeks .
2 Not only are Arsenal losing , but they are failing to score — just one goal from seven games — and it 's beginning to have an effect on fans who have been accustomed to rolling with the good times .
3 Party leaders are concerned at the growing gap between Communists active in parliament in Warsaw , and those in the provinces who have been slow to catch on to the change .
4 Show me the tyrants who have been great lovers .
5 ( e ) Conflicts of interest Where firms involved in an amalgamation have previously acted for clients who have been involved in litigation against each other , the amalgamated firm must not accept instructions to act for any of those clients unless they are able to erect and maintain effective " Chinese Walls " and : ( 1 ) none of the solicitors involved are professionally embarrassed by continuing to act ; ( 2 ) all the clients have given their consent ; ( 3 ) those clients have received full and frank independent advice before giving their consent ; and ( 4 ) such continuing to act can be shown to be in the best interests of the clients .
6 In 1783 ‘ returning thanks to those gentlemen who have been pleased to employ him with surveying , drawing etc. ’ he announced that a school would be opened at the corner of Tassel Street , near Ridgefield , for the instruction of young gentlemen , in the arts of drawing and painting .
7 To quote the same news report : ‘ Supporters who had been fierce rivals seconds before when Don Gillies fired in an 80th minute equaliser for Bristol , suddenly joined in a combined celebration .
8 We owe it to our supporters who have been magnificent all along the line , ’ says McGilligan .
9 Blackberry , the rabbit with tipped ears who had been startled by Fiver the night before , had listened carefully to Hazel 's description of the notice board , remarking that he had always felt sure that men left these things about to act as signs or messages of some kind , in the same way that rabbits left marks on runs and gaps .
10 The Soviet authorities had no reason to take any interest in the fate of a handful of foreign invaders when over twenty million of their own people had been killed , while as for the Italians , it had suddenly become clear that they had in fact been anti-Fascists to a man all along and could hardly be expected to sympathize with the relatives of those few fanatics who had been rash enough to fight for the despised Duce .
11 However those youngsters who have been naughty could find themselves in a spot of trouble .
12 Many Hollywood denizens are businessmen who have been involved in politics for years .
13 Middle-aged adults , especially women are sometimes asked to care for parents who have been violent or sexually abusive towards them in the past .
14 Counter arguments may not be employed to full effect , and individual injustices ( perhaps involving parents who have been subject to wholly baseless accusations ) may not be exposed .
15 We have already encountered an archetypal example of this in the Neolithic mother-goddess cult , and it may be that today , over-indulged children , not fully weaned because of permissive fashions in modern childrearing , and encouraged throughout their childhood and adolescence to remain dependent on parents who have been afraid to deny them anything , experience a similar hankering after the unobtainable but mouth-watering mother-as-breast .
16 The immediate problem lay in Aquitaine , where some of the nobles who had been close to the defunct Pippin I , had refused to accept the " disinheritance " of Pippin 's son and instead recognised him as their king .
17 Yet Haig was hugely confident ; so confident , in fact , that his enthusiasm engulfed even those of his subordinate commanders who had been critical of the undertaking .
18 Over the centuries , the Superintendents who 've been responsible for looking after the garden , have each played a major part in it 's growth and development .
19 Some widows who have been moderate social drinkers begin to drink more during bereavement , in order to take the edge off their emotional pain ; but this of course creates more problems than it ever solves , so you should never encourage your elderly parent to start taking ‘ tonic ’ wine for her ‘ nerves ’ or a tot of whisky at night to help her to sleep , for you may be helping her to establish a habit that can easily get out of control and become very hard to break .
20 Most editors and journalists are perfectly honest about the fact that when they need help they tend to go to those PROs who have been helpful in the past .
21 He stated that he had later spoken to two observers who had been close to the ridge at the time of the accident , and they had apparently noticed that the wind had , momentarily , markedly increased in strength and had appeared to swirl up the hill towards the ridge , coincidental with the time that they saw the aircraft 's wing drop and the aircraft begin to descend .
22 I have had guests who have been speechless , monosyllabic , obtuse and recalcitrant , but more often because of nerves or discomfort than deliberately so .
23 Daniel Omara Atubu was arrested in Kampala on 15 April 1991 , at the time of a major counter-insurgency operation by the Ugandan army against rebels who have been active in the northern districts of Gulu , Kitgum , Lira and Apac since 1986 .
24 His noble gesture appeased those churchmen who had been appalled by his early obstinacy over the archbishopric of Bourges .
25 This occurred despite the continuity of the catholic hierarchy in Northern Ireland and despite the war experience of those catholics who had been involved in the army .
26 He learned of the death of thousands of British troops who had been involved in a combined operation with the French against Kaiser Bill 's army .
27 The incident has horrified South African tourist officials who have been anxious to play down the murders of Julie and Elizabeth , both 30 .
28 However , the new central committee , enlarged to 267 members , retained almost all of its current members and in addition returned a number of hardliners who had been prominent during the rule of President Boumedienne ( 1965-78 ) .
29 In this climate , various groups of individuals who had been involved in the conferences and activities of the preceding few years were to move into the drawing up of detailed proposals for curriculum development and the search for funds with which to implement these . [ … ]
30 Support care involves detecting deviations from the normal ageing process and noting early signs of ill health , while rehabilitation care is designed to restore individuals who have been ill or disabled to as full a range of activities of daily living as possible .
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